A contribuição de Pokémon para a divulgação científica em paleontologia
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Krubniki, Gustavo Fanckin
Stefano, Waldir
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A divulgação científica é o meio pelo qual o conhecimento gerado pela ciência é difundido para fora das academias e do mundo dos cientistas propriamente ditos. Dependendo de como as informações são passadas a divulgação pode ou não alcançar o público. Com o decorrer das décadas os meios de comunicação usados para a divulgação das informações foram aprimorados e novos também foram criados. Temos os livros como o exemplo mais concreto de como tais informações são divulgadas, no entanto atualmente as chamadas franquias de mídia são utilizadas como um auxílio para a transmissão das informações, tanto informações novas quanto as antigas. Atualmente a franquia de Pokémon é a franquia de mídia mais rentável do mundo, com jogos, filmes e séries de televisão marcantes, que atraíram e continuam atraindo muito público. As criaturas chamadas de Pokémon são a grande atração da franquia, esses por sua vez inspirados em muitos animais e plantas do mundo real. Como essas criaturas são o maior chamativo da franquia, elas podem ser usadas como um auxílio para a divulgação científica juntamente com outros assuntos da própria biologia.
Scientific dissemination is the means by which knowledge generated by science is spread beyond the academic sphere and the world of scientists themselves. Depending on how information is conveyed, dissemination may or may not reach the public. Over the decades, the means of communication used for disseminating information have been refined, and new ones have also been created. We have books as the most concrete example of how such information is disseminated. However, currently, media franchises are used as an aid in the transmission of information, both new and old. Currently, the Pokémon franchise is the most profitable media franchise in the world, featuring iconic games, movies, and television series that have attracted and continue to attract a large audience. The creatures known as Pokémon are the main attraction of the franchise, themselves inspired by many real-world animals and plants. Indeed, as these creatures are the main draw of the franchise, they can be used as an aid in scientific communication alongside other topics in biology.
Scientific dissemination is the means by which knowledge generated by science is spread beyond the academic sphere and the world of scientists themselves. Depending on how information is conveyed, dissemination may or may not reach the public. Over the decades, the means of communication used for disseminating information have been refined, and new ones have also been created. We have books as the most concrete example of how such information is disseminated. However, currently, media franchises are used as an aid in the transmission of information, both new and old. Currently, the Pokémon franchise is the most profitable media franchise in the world, featuring iconic games, movies, and television series that have attracted and continue to attract a large audience. The creatures known as Pokémon are the main attraction of the franchise, themselves inspired by many real-world animals and plants. Indeed, as these creatures are the main draw of the franchise, they can be used as an aid in scientific communication alongside other topics in biology.
divulgação científica , paleontologia , paleoherpetologia , reptilia , Pokémon , dinossauro , sistemática , jogos , scientific disseminationn , paleontology , paleoherpetology , reptilia