eQETIC: modelo de qualidade para produtos educacionais baseados nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação

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Rossi, Rogério
Mustaro, Pollyana Notargiacomo
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Piconez, Stela Conceição Bertholo
Araújo Júnior, Carlos Fernando de
Omar, Nizam
Vallim Filho, Arnaldo Rabello de Aguiar
Engenharia Elétrica
The advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the automation growth have been reflected in the activities of various sectors, including education, and more specifically the distance education. It is noticeable the increase of schools, courses and students who use the distance education modality based on ICT as can be identified on the indicators published by the competent organizations. As in many areas of modern society, is also observed high demands on the quality of products and services associated with this modality of education, as well as confirmed that the interest related to quality is not limited to the students, but also turns to the others involved as those responsible for the construction and maintenance of educational materials. Thus, this thesis presents a model called eQETIC, which can be applied in institutionalizing and improving processes related to planning, development and maintenance of educational products and services based on ICT. The eQETIC model is based on the concepts of continuous process improvement and should be implemented by three improvement levels: Sufficient, Intermediate and Global Level. The implementation rules presented in the model are distributed under six common entities: Didactic-Pedagogical, Management, Technology, Support, Tutorial and Evaluation. It is a model that can benefit formal education institutions and the organizations that develop digital educational products. As an original model it contributes to the knowledge area that is inserted i.e. the quality of digital educational products and services, proposing ways to build the quality as required and desired by many involved. To provide a diagnosis to the user related to the adherence of institutional processes to the eQETIC model two expert systems ((EXSeQETIC-SIN e EXSeQETIC-2GO) were developed. Likewise, a proof of concept was performed with both expert systems, and it showed satisfactory results regarding the use of the systems, given that they were able to provide the user with diagnosis as the application and use of the eQETIC model.
qualidade , educação a distância , e-learning , objetos de aprendizagem , tecnologia da informação e comunicação , design instrucional , sistemas especialistas , quality , distance education , e-learning , learning objects, information and communication technology, instructional design, expert systems
Assuntos Scopus
ROSSI, Rogério. eQETIC: modelo de qualidade para produtos educacionais baseados nas tecnologias de informação e comunicação. 2013. 144 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2013.