Análise da interoperabilidade de projetos entre as ferramentas REVIT e TQS
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Freitas, Renan Marcílio de
Santos, Vinícius Vilela
Santos, Wesley de Lima
Santos, Vinícius Vilela
Santos, Wesley de Lima
Mainardi Neto, Antonio Ivo de Barros
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A Modelagem da Informação da Construção – BIM tem, como um dos seus principais atributos, a conexão e colaboração entre as diversas disciplinas da indústria AEC. A sua crescente adoção traz também a preocupação com a interoperabilidade entre estes agentes responsáveis pelas disciplinas, visto que precisarão trabalhar de forma colaborativa. Esta pesquisa apresenta o comportamento desta interoperabilidade entre um software de projeto estrutural (TQS) e outro de projeto arquitetônico (Revit). Com o auxílio de plugins nativos e arquivos IFC, foi feita a análise crítica na interoperabilidade e, com base em publicações de outros autores, foram estabelecidos os critérios seguidos para este trabalho. O processo segue a ordem de realizar fluxos entre os softwares, utilizando como base um modelo gerado pelo TQS. Com isso, é feita a exportação e importação entre eles e, posteriormente, realizado o comparativo dos resultados do produto gerado. Essa análise permitiu estabelecer um cenário de evolução da interoperabilidade destes programas, além de mostrar como é a atuação destes nas versões mais atuais disponíveis, permitindo futuras pesquisas sobre a confiabilidade desta aplicação.
Building Information Modeling – BIM has, as one as its mainly attributes, the connection and collaboration between various disciplines of the AEC industry. Its increasingly also raises a concern about the interoperability among these discipline responsible agents, since they’ll need to work in a collaborative way. This research presents the interoperability's behavior between a structural engineering software (TQS) and an architectural design software (Revit). With the help of native plugins and IFC files, a critical analysis on interoperability has been performed and, based on other authors' publications, the criteria for this work have been established. The process follows an order of flows execution between the softwares, using as a basis a model generated by the TQS software. Thereby, the exportation and importation among them is done and, after all, the comparison of the product final result is performed. This analysis allows to establish a scenery of interoperability evolution of these softwares, also showing how they behave in the last updated versions available, allowing future researches about this application’s reliability.
Building Information Modeling – BIM has, as one as its mainly attributes, the connection and collaboration between various disciplines of the AEC industry. Its increasingly also raises a concern about the interoperability among these discipline responsible agents, since they’ll need to work in a collaborative way. This research presents the interoperability's behavior between a structural engineering software (TQS) and an architectural design software (Revit). With the help of native plugins and IFC files, a critical analysis on interoperability has been performed and, based on other authors' publications, the criteria for this work have been established. The process follows an order of flows execution between the softwares, using as a basis a model generated by the TQS software. Thereby, the exportation and importation among them is done and, after all, the comparison of the product final result is performed. This analysis allows to establish a scenery of interoperability evolution of these softwares, also showing how they behave in the last updated versions available, allowing future researches about this application’s reliability.
BIM na indústria da AEC , interoperabilidade , TQS , revit , plugins nativos , IFC , BIM in the AEC’s industry , interoperability , native plugins.