Projeto de um dinamômetro inercial para teste de freios em veículos de pequeno porte
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Zanon, Giulia Caroline
Angelo, Edvaldo
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Por conta do grande desenvolvimento da indústria automobilística e a constante busca por melhoramentos, principalmente nas áreas de desempenho e segurança veicular, é cada vez mais importante que sejam realizados testes nos diversos sistemas de um novo projeto, para que seja possível a validação e comprovação das melhorias propostas. A parte do sistema de freios é de grande importância para atingir os critérios de segurança de um veículo. Um dos testes mais usados para verificação pode ser realizado em um dinamômetro inercial, que permite coletar dados referentes ao desempenho de discos e pastilhas de freio, através de parâmetros como força, rotação e temperatura. Neste trabalho foi elaborado o pré-projeto de um dinamômetro inercial para teste de freios em veículos de pequeno porte, considerando que o mercado oferece grande variedade desse tipo de equipamento apenas para veículos de grande porte, enquanto para veículos pequenos o mercado é praticamente inexistente. Neste projeto foi desenvolvido um sistema para aquisição de dados visando à determinação do coeficiente de atrito entre o disco e a pastilha de freio. Para isso, a bancada foi projetada atendendo os requisitos de normas como a SAE J2522 e a NBR 6143, garantindo a validação dos testes que futuramente serão realizados.
Due to the great development of the automobile industry and the search for improvements, especially in the areas of performance and safety of a vehicle, it is increasing importance that tests are carried out on the various systems of a new project so that the testing and validation of the proposed improvements. Considering the vehicle's brake system, one of the tests used for verification can be done on an inertial dynamometer, which allows data collection on the performance of discs and brake pads through parameters such as force, rotation, and temperature. Following this line of thought, the design of an inertial dynamometer for brake testing on small vehicles was elaborated, considering that the market offers a wide variety of this type of equipment only for large vehicles, while for small vehicles the market is practically nonexistent. In this project, a data acquisition system was developed to determine the friction coefficient between the disc and the brake pad. For this, the system was designed to meet the requirements of standards such as SAE J2522 and NBR 6143, ensuring the validation of tests that will be performed in the future.
Due to the great development of the automobile industry and the search for improvements, especially in the areas of performance and safety of a vehicle, it is increasing importance that tests are carried out on the various systems of a new project so that the testing and validation of the proposed improvements. Considering the vehicle's brake system, one of the tests used for verification can be done on an inertial dynamometer, which allows data collection on the performance of discs and brake pads through parameters such as force, rotation, and temperature. Following this line of thought, the design of an inertial dynamometer for brake testing on small vehicles was elaborated, considering that the market offers a wide variety of this type of equipment only for large vehicles, while for small vehicles the market is practically nonexistent. In this project, a data acquisition system was developed to determine the friction coefficient between the disc and the brake pad. For this, the system was designed to meet the requirements of standards such as SAE J2522 and NBR 6143, ensuring the validation of tests that will be performed in the future.
dinamômetro inercial , sistema de freio , testes de freio , inertial dynamometer , brake system , brake tests