Framework IOT para análise do desempenho de motores elétricos trifásicos
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Vieira, Daniel Damaceno
Licciardi Junior, Antonio Newton
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Os motores elétricos trifásicos representam um elemento chave na indústria, sendo responsável por transformar energia elétrica em energia mecânica, energia cinética na maioria dos casos, possibilitando assim a movimentação de máquinas e dispositivos nos mais diversos processos industriais. Dada a importância dos motores elétricos, para que o mesmo apresente um bom funcionamento por longos períodos de tempo, é necessário que sua manutenção seja realizada de maneira correta e dentro do tempo previsto pelo seu fabricante. Com o modelo de manutenção preditiva é possível estabelecer regras que definiram o tempo e os tipos de atividades inerentes à manutenção do motor, auxiliando assim a Engenharia de Manutenção a manter uma fábrica operando de modo eficiente. Através das novas tecnologias na área de sensoriamento eletrônico, dispositivos conectados à Internet das Coisas (IOT), análise de grandes volumes de dados (Big Data e Analytics), é possível se aprimorar os sistemas de análise de desempenho e falhas em motores elétricos trifásicos, pois, estas ferramentas possibilitam a previsão de falhas. Todos esses dados auxiliam no gerenciamento da produção e da manutenção proporcionado redução de custos. Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de definir um framework utilizando ferramentas de IOT para analisar o desempenho de motores elétricos trifásicos. Para isso são coletados dados de um motor elétrico através de sensores conectados a um Arduino que exercerá a função de coletar os dados e disponibilizá-los a um software que faça a correlação dessas informações, o que permitirá definir o framework de análise com base nos dados coletados.
Three-phase electric motors represent a key element in the industry, being responsible for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy, kinetic energy in most cases, thus enabling the movement of machines and devices in various industrial processes. Given the importance of electric motors, in order for them to function well for long periods, their maintenance must be performed correctly and within the time prescribed by their manufacturer. With the predictive maintenance model, it is possible to establish rules that define the timing and types of activities inherent to engine maintenance, thus helping Maintenance Engineering to keep a plant operating efficiently. Through new technologies in the field of electronic sensing, devices connected to the Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data and Analytics, allow to improve performance and failure analysis systems in three-phase electric motors, because they have the feature of fault prediction. All of this data assists in managing production and maintaining cost savings. This work aims to define a framework using IOT tools to analyze the performance of three phase electric motors. For this, data will be collected from an electric motor through sensors connected to an Arduino that will perform the function of collecting the data and transmitting it to a software to correlate these information, which will allow defining the analysis framework based on the collected data.
Three-phase electric motors represent a key element in the industry, being responsible for transforming electrical energy into mechanical energy, kinetic energy in most cases, thus enabling the movement of machines and devices in various industrial processes. Given the importance of electric motors, in order for them to function well for long periods, their maintenance must be performed correctly and within the time prescribed by their manufacturer. With the predictive maintenance model, it is possible to establish rules that define the timing and types of activities inherent to engine maintenance, thus helping Maintenance Engineering to keep a plant operating efficiently. Through new technologies in the field of electronic sensing, devices connected to the Internet of Things (IOT), Big Data and Analytics, allow to improve performance and failure analysis systems in three-phase electric motors, because they have the feature of fault prediction. All of this data assists in managing production and maintaining cost savings. This work aims to define a framework using IOT tools to analyze the performance of three phase electric motors. For this, data will be collected from an electric motor through sensors connected to an Arduino that will perform the function of collecting the data and transmitting it to a software to correlate these information, which will allow defining the analysis framework based on the collected data.
internet das coisas (IOT) , motor elétrico , internet of things (IOT) , electric motor , framework