E - cargo : a motocicleta para motofrete
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Paschoal Neto, Cláudio da Rocha
Ogasawara, Luís Alexandre F.
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O motofrete é uma atividade consequente de um leque de fatores sociais, políticos e econômicos e vem ocupando cada vez mais espaço na malha urbana viária brasileira. A agilidade, praticidade e economia desta modalidade vêm consquistando uma parcela considerável da população nacional ascendente, principalmente a classe C. Entretanto, mostra-se também como uma atividade extremamente perigosa, estando em desvantagem física com quase todos os tipos de veículos e sendo responsável por dezenas de fatalidades todos os dias no Brasil. Além disso, o uso da motocicleta como meio de transporte tem aumentado consideravelmente os índices de emissão de poluentes no país. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma motocicleta projetada especialmente para o serviço de motofrete que possa oferecer novas alternativas de segurança, sustentabilidade e logística para esta atividade. Com isso, refletir sobre as relações provenientes dos motoboys com a sociedade, buscando uma melhor aceitação de ambas as partes sobre o motofrete.
The motorfreight is an activity resulting from a group of social, political and economical issues and has been occupying more space in brazilian’s roads, highways and streets. The agility, convenience and economy of this modality, has been conquering a considerable portion of the national rising population, especially the C class. However, it is also an extremely dangerous activity, being at physical disadvantage with almost all types of vehicles and being responsible for dozens of casualities every day in Brazil. Furthermore, the use of the motorcycle as a transportation vehicle has been considerably increasing rates os pollutants emissions in the country. This work has as main objective the development of a motorcycle designed specifically for the motorfreight service that can offer new alternatives of security, sustainability and logistics for this activity. Then, to reflect about the relations between motoboys and society, seeking a better acceptance of both parties about the motorfreight.
The motorfreight is an activity resulting from a group of social, political and economical issues and has been occupying more space in brazilian’s roads, highways and streets. The agility, convenience and economy of this modality, has been conquering a considerable portion of the national rising population, especially the C class. However, it is also an extremely dangerous activity, being at physical disadvantage with almost all types of vehicles and being responsible for dozens of casualities every day in Brazil. Furthermore, the use of the motorcycle as a transportation vehicle has been considerably increasing rates os pollutants emissions in the country. This work has as main objective the development of a motorcycle designed specifically for the motorfreight service that can offer new alternatives of security, sustainability and logistics for this activity. Then, to reflect about the relations between motoboys and society, seeking a better acceptance of both parties about the motorfreight.
Motocicleta , Motofrete , Carga , Transporte , Desenho industrial