A aplicação da genética forense na proteção animal e elucidação de crimes contra fauna
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Papa, Leticia Purcino
Costa, Ana Paula Pimentel
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O tráfico ilegal de animais vem ganhando espaço entre as maiores atividades criminosas gerando anualmente em torno de 20 bilhões de dólares. O Brasil representa mais de 10% de participação no lucro do valor total mundial desta atividade. O aumento crescente deste comercio ilegal coloca em risco a biodiversidade do planeta. Além disso dentre os diversos riscos que estes animais sofrem, muitos deles acabam mortos durante o transporte. Para fazer frente a esta situação, tornou-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aplicação de novas ferramentas, levando ao uso da Genética Forense. Dentre as técnicas utilizadas, o DNA Barcoding se faz presente em diferentes casos solucionados, evidenciando a aplicabilidade das sequências conhecidas como “código de barras” genético de cada espécie. Podem ser utilizados diferentes genes, como por exemplo, o Citocromo Oxidase Subunidade I (COI), o Citocromo b (Cyt-b) e a região 16S rRNA (RNA ribossômico). Este trabalho busca apresentar o emprego do DNA Barcoding e sua aplicação na elucidação dos crimes contra a fauna, através de uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura. Neste estudo, são apresentados casos de crimes contra fauna, no qual foram obtidas as identificações das amostras apreendidas através do DNA Barcoding com a amplificação por PCR de genes específicos, como COI, Cyt-b, 16S rRNA. Estas análises solucionaram pelo menos 11 casos de identificação de espécies, dentre as quais algumas provaram a ocorrência de caça ou comércio ilegal. Estes estudos demonstram a importância desta ferramenta na elucidação de crimes contra fauna, além de evidenciar a necessidade de contínuo aprimoramento nas pesquisas, banco de dados e fiscalização nesta área.
The illegal trade in animals has been gaining space among the largest criminal activities, generating annually around 20 billion dollars. Brazil represents more than 10% of the profit share of the total value of this activity worldwide. The growing increase of this illegal trade puts the planet's biodiversity at risk. Moreover, among the various risks that these animals suffer, many of them end up dead during transportation. To face this situation, the development and application of new tools has become necessary, leading to the use of Forensic Genetics. Among the techniques used, DNA Barcoding is present in different solved cases, showing the applicability of the sequences known as genetic "barcoding" of each species. Different genes can be used, for example, the Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI), Cytochrome b (Cyt-b) and the 16S rRNA (ribosomal RNA) region. This work aims to present the use of DNA Barcoding and its application in the elucidation of crimes against fauna, through a literature review. In this study, cases of crimes against fauna are presented, in which identifications of samples seized through DNA Barcoding were obtained with the amplification by PCR of specific genes, such as COI, Cyt-b, 16S rRNA. These analyses solved at least 11 cases of species identification, among which some proved the occurrence of illegal hunting or trade. These studies show the importance of this tool in the elucidation of crimes against fauna, and highlight the need for continuous improvement in research, database, and enforcement in this area.
The illegal trade in animals has been gaining space among the largest criminal activities, generating annually around 20 billion dollars. Brazil represents more than 10% of the profit share of the total value of this activity worldwide. The growing increase of this illegal trade puts the planet's biodiversity at risk. Moreover, among the various risks that these animals suffer, many of them end up dead during transportation. To face this situation, the development and application of new tools has become necessary, leading to the use of Forensic Genetics. Among the techniques used, DNA Barcoding is present in different solved cases, showing the applicability of the sequences known as genetic "barcoding" of each species. Different genes can be used, for example, the Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I (COI), Cytochrome b (Cyt-b) and the 16S rRNA (ribosomal RNA) region. This work aims to present the use of DNA Barcoding and its application in the elucidation of crimes against fauna, through a literature review. In this study, cases of crimes against fauna are presented, in which identifications of samples seized through DNA Barcoding were obtained with the amplification by PCR of specific genes, such as COI, Cyt-b, 16S rRNA. These analyses solved at least 11 cases of species identification, among which some proved the occurrence of illegal hunting or trade. These studies show the importance of this tool in the elucidation of crimes against fauna, and highlight the need for continuous improvement in research, database, and enforcement in this area.
genética forense , comércio ilegal , tráfico , perícia ambiental , DNA mitocondrial , ciência forense da vida selvagem , forensic genetics , illegal trade , traffic , environmental expertise , mitochondrial DNA , wildlife forensics