O papel da computação forense no combate aos crimes digitais
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Marostica, Isaac dos Santos
Azevedo, Ana Cristina
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Em virtude do aumento significativo do acesso dos Brasileiros ao computador e, conseqüentemente, a internet, vê-se de maneira similar um acréscimo nas ações policiais, que têm como intuito cumprir mandatos judiciais a fim de apreender material suspeito utilizado em crimes digitais. Devido a tal fator, a ciência da computação mudou seu foco anterior, que era o de tratar dos eventos criminosos antes que os mesmos acontecessem, para uma abordagem pós-evento, através da Computação Forense. A Computação Forense possui inúmeras características que, juntas, criam um ambiente favorável para a definição de um parecer ou opinião sobre uma determinada evidência. Considerando que a busca e apreensão é uma das etapas mais importante do processo de análise pericial criminal de material suspeito, importante ressaltar a necessidade de uma metodologia adequada no cumprimento de mandatos de busca e apreensão, que acaba por comprometer os trabalhos da polícia e da Justiça Brasileira. Sendo assim, este trabalho objetiva demonstrar todas as etapas que um perito deve cumprir para que a operação seja bem sucedida, que vão desde o transporte do equipamento a ser periciado à confecção do laudo pericial, além de abordar a importância e os procedimentos adotados, na atualidade, que visam o combate ao crime digital.
In virtue of the significant increase of the access of the Brazilians to the computer and, consequent, the Internet, an addition in the police actions is seen in similar way, that have as intention to fulfill mandates judicial in order to apprehend used suspicious material in digital crimes. Had to such factor, the computer science changed its previous focus that was to deal with the criminal events before the same ones happened, for a boarding after-event, through the Forensic Computation. The Forensic Computation possesses innumerable characteristics that, meetings, create a favorable environment for the definition of one to seem or opinion on one definitive evidence. Considering that the search and apprehension are one of the stages most important of the process of criminal skillful analysis of suspected material, important to stand out the necessity of a methodology adjusted in the fulfillment of search mandates and apprehension that finishes for compromising the works of the policy and Brazilian Justice. Being thus, this objective work to demonstrate to all the stages that a connoisseur must fulfill so that the operation is successful, that they go since the transport of the equipment to be periciado to the confection of the expert report, beyond approaching the adopted importance and procedures, in the present time, that aim at the combat to the digital crime.
In virtue of the significant increase of the access of the Brazilians to the computer and, consequent, the Internet, an addition in the police actions is seen in similar way, that have as intention to fulfill mandates judicial in order to apprehend used suspicious material in digital crimes. Had to such factor, the computer science changed its previous focus that was to deal with the criminal events before the same ones happened, for a boarding after-event, through the Forensic Computation. The Forensic Computation possesses innumerable characteristics that, meetings, create a favorable environment for the definition of one to seem or opinion on one definitive evidence. Considering that the search and apprehension are one of the stages most important of the process of criminal skillful analysis of suspected material, important to stand out the necessity of a methodology adjusted in the fulfillment of search mandates and apprehension that finishes for compromising the works of the policy and Brazilian Justice. Being thus, this objective work to demonstrate to all the stages that a connoisseur must fulfill so that the operation is successful, that they go since the transport of the equipment to be periciado to the confection of the expert report, beyond approaching the adopted importance and procedures, in the present time, that aim at the combat to the digital crime.
Internet , Computação forense , Crime digital , Perícia , Analise de sistemas