IPV6 em redes MPLS
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Silva, Wagner Paulino da
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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo sobre o protocolo IP versão 6 (IPv6) e seu funcionamento em redes com a tecnologia Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), descrever os protocolos de redes importantes para a evolução do IPv6, analisar a arquitetura MPLS, além de discutir os principais métodos de transição do IP versão 4 (IPv4) para o IPv6 através de pesquisas bibliográficas. Com o aumento no número de usuários na Internet, foi necessária a criação de uma nova geração do IP para reverter o problema de esgotamento de endereços IP versão 4. O desenvolvimento do IPv6 ou IP da nova geração surge como a solução para o esgotamento de endereços IP na internet. São apresentados neste trabalho os métodos de transição e coexistência entre os protocolos IPv4 e IPv6, e uma tecnologia que facilita a implantação do IPv6 nas redes IPv4 de hoje é destacada neste estudo, denominada MPLS. O MPLS é parte vital de muitas redes de Provedores de Serviços (SP) ou Provedores de Serviços de Internet (ISP). O sucesso do MPLS é pelo fato de que ele permite que a rede transporte todos os tipos de tráfego, como dados, voz e vídeo, além de transportar todos os tipos de protocolos de rede. Isso permite a criação de redes convergentes ou redes de nova geração. A tecnologia MPLS é baseada em IP e a Internet é baseada na tecnologia IP, desta maneira o futuro do MPLS é assegurado por um bom tempo. A partir desses conceitos será analisado a aplicação do protocolo IPv6 na tecnologia MPLS. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica.
The main objective of this paper is to present a study on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and its functioning in networks with technology Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), describe the major networking protocols for the evolution of IPv6, analyze the MPLS architecture, and discuss the main methods of transition from IP version 4 (IPv4) to IPv6 through literature searches. With the increasing number of users on the Internet, it was necessary to create a new generation of IP to reverse the problem of exhaustion of IP version 4. The development of IPv6 or IP of the new generation emerges as the solution to the depletion of IP addresses on the Internet. This paper presents the methods of transition and coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6, and a technology that facilitates the deployment of IPv6 in IPv4 networks today is highlighted in this study, called MPLS.MPLS is a vital part of many networks of Service Providers (SP) or Internet Service Provider (ISP). The success of MPLS is undoubtedly the fact that it allows the network to transport all types of traffic such as data, voice and video, and transporting all kinds of network protocols. This allows the creation of converged networks or next generation networks. The MPLS technology is based on IP and the Internet is based on IP technology, thus the future of MPLS is assured for a long time. Based on these concepts will be discussed the implementation of IPv6 protocol in MPLS technology. This is an exploratory study, using bibliography research.
The main objective of this paper is to present a study on Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and its functioning in networks with technology Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), describe the major networking protocols for the evolution of IPv6, analyze the MPLS architecture, and discuss the main methods of transition from IP version 4 (IPv4) to IPv6 through literature searches. With the increasing number of users on the Internet, it was necessary to create a new generation of IP to reverse the problem of exhaustion of IP version 4. The development of IPv6 or IP of the new generation emerges as the solution to the depletion of IP addresses on the Internet. This paper presents the methods of transition and coexistence between IPv4 and IPv6, and a technology that facilitates the deployment of IPv6 in IPv4 networks today is highlighted in this study, called MPLS.MPLS is a vital part of many networks of Service Providers (SP) or Internet Service Provider (ISP). The success of MPLS is undoubtedly the fact that it allows the network to transport all types of traffic such as data, voice and video, and transporting all kinds of network protocols. This allows the creation of converged networks or next generation networks. The MPLS technology is based on IP and the Internet is based on IP technology, thus the future of MPLS is assured for a long time. Based on these concepts will be discussed the implementation of IPv6 protocol in MPLS technology. This is an exploratory study, using bibliography research.
Roteamento (informática) , Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) , Protocolo de rede , Tecnologia da informação , Protocolo de Internet (IP)