A presença e os ensinamentos de Diotima no banquete e a concepção sobre o amor em Platão
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Barbosa , Aline dos Santos
Rezende , Angela Zamora Cilento de
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N’O Banquete de Platão, a sacerdotisa Diotima apresenta profundo conhecimento acerca
do Amor e uma visão diferente dos convidados que discursaram elogiosamente sobre ele. Diotima é
considerada uma professora de Sócrates nesse assunto, influenciando, inclusive, a visão de Platão
sobre o Amor - apesar de não ser comum mulheres participarem deste tipo de evento naquela época
e, tampouco, serem reconhecidas por seus pensamentos filosóficos. Diante deste contexto, por meio
de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar a participação de Diotima n’O
Banquete e a concepção de Platão sobre o amor. Como principais resultados, destacamos que para
Diotima o Amor não é um deus, mas sim um grande gênio (daimon), um intermediário entre o mortal
e o imortal, com o poder de interpretar e transmitir aos deuses o que vem dos homens, e aos homens
o que vem dos deuses. Essa visão de Diotima exerce influência sobre Platão, pois sua concepção
sobre o amor está relacionada com a busca pelo conhecimento, pela sabedoria, pelo belo e pelo bem.
O Amor em Platão é o reconhecimento da ausência daquilo que não se tem por completo no mundo
sensível e sua busca por aquilo que só é possível no mundo das ideias.
ABSTRACT: In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima presents deep knowledge about Love and a different view of the guests who spoke appreciatively about it. Diotima is considered a teacher of Socrates on this subject, even influencing Plato's view of Love - although it was not common for women to participate in this type of event at that time, nor were they recognized for their philosophical thoughts. Given this context, through bibliographical research, the objective of this article is to analyze Diotima's participation in Symposium and Plato's conception of love. As main results, we emphasize that for Diotima Love is not a god, but a great genius (daimon), an intermediary between the mortal and the immortal, with the power to interpret and transmit to the gods what comes from men, and to the men what comes from the gods. This view of Diotima exerts influence on Plato, as her conception of love is related to the search for knowledge, wisdom, beauty and good. Love in Plato is the recognition of the absence of what is not completely present in the sensitive world and his search for what is only possible in the world of ideas.
ABSTRACT: In Plato's Symposium, the priestess Diotima presents deep knowledge about Love and a different view of the guests who spoke appreciatively about it. Diotima is considered a teacher of Socrates on this subject, even influencing Plato's view of Love - although it was not common for women to participate in this type of event at that time, nor were they recognized for their philosophical thoughts. Given this context, through bibliographical research, the objective of this article is to analyze Diotima's participation in Symposium and Plato's conception of love. As main results, we emphasize that for Diotima Love is not a god, but a great genius (daimon), an intermediary between the mortal and the immortal, with the power to interpret and transmit to the gods what comes from men, and to the men what comes from the gods. This view of Diotima exerts influence on Plato, as her conception of love is related to the search for knowledge, wisdom, beauty and good. Love in Plato is the recognition of the absence of what is not completely present in the sensitive world and his search for what is only possible in the world of ideas.
Diotima , amor platônico , O Banquete , mulheres na Filosofia , filósofa , Diotima , plantonic love , The Banquet , women in Philosophy , philosopher woman