Otimização do gerenciamento de estoque de matéria-prima em uma indústria cosmética
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Gomes, Fernanda Moraes Ribeiro
Arantes, Maria Beatriz Dal Santo
Gakiya, Mariana
Cordeiro, Marina
Gembrini, Marina Vitória
Arantes, Maria Beatriz Dal Santo
Gakiya, Mariana
Cordeiro, Marina
Gembrini, Marina Vitória
Santos, Mario Sergio Corrêa dos
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Em um mercado extremamente competitivo, como o setor de cosméticos, a busca por melhorias para atender às exigências do cliente é essencial. Tais necessidades levam as indústrias a refletirem sobre seu fluxo produtivo como um todo e a revisarem alguns problemas e dificuldades em suas áreas primárias assim como o estoque. Porém, por falta de tempo, mão de obra e/ou orçamento elas deixam essas ações em segundo plano. Desta forma, este projeto tem como objetivo primordial ajudar uma organização a replanejar o estoque de nível A e a área de picking, ambos locais onde não há necessidade de busca da matéria-prima por meio de empilhadeiras no estoque, com o auxílio de métodos acadêmicos aprendidos no curso de Engenharia de Produção. Métodos como, por exemplo, fluxograma, curva ABC, gráfico de Pareto, diagrama de Ishikawa são mostrados de forma prática para trazer os benefícios que a empresa precisa neste âmbito. Para tanto, o estado atual do processo produtivo foi mapeado e juntamente com as necessidades citadas por operadores foi possível encontrar os gaps e gargalos do processo de estocagem. Com o estudo, foram indicadas proposta de melhorias e ações de reorganização visando minimizar desperdício de matéria-prima, maximizar o respeito ao FEFO e mitigar as falhas processuais identificadas utilizando procedimentos operacionais padronizados (POPs).
In an extremely competitive market, such as cosmetics, the pursuit of improvements to seek customer requirements is essential. Such needs lead industries to reflect on their overall production flow and to review some problems and difficulties in their primary areas as the inventory. However, due to lack of time, labor and/or budget, they leave these actions as second plan. In this way, this project has as main objective to help an organization to redesign the first level inventory and the picking area, both places that the forklifts are not necessary, and with the aid of academic methods learned in the course of Production Engineering. Methods such as flowchart, ABC curve, Pareto chart, Ishikawa diagram, showed in a practical way to bring the benefits that the company needs in this scope. To that end, the current state of the production process was mapped and together with the needs quoted by operators it was possible to find the gaps and bottlenecks of the storage process. With the study, improvements and reorganization actions were indicated in order to minimize waste of raw material, maximize FEFO’s respect and mitigate the procedural failures identified applying Standard Operation Procedures.
In an extremely competitive market, such as cosmetics, the pursuit of improvements to seek customer requirements is essential. Such needs lead industries to reflect on their overall production flow and to review some problems and difficulties in their primary areas as the inventory. However, due to lack of time, labor and/or budget, they leave these actions as second plan. In this way, this project has as main objective to help an organization to redesign the first level inventory and the picking area, both places that the forklifts are not necessary, and with the aid of academic methods learned in the course of Production Engineering. Methods such as flowchart, ABC curve, Pareto chart, Ishikawa diagram, showed in a practical way to bring the benefits that the company needs in this scope. To that end, the current state of the production process was mapped and together with the needs quoted by operators it was possible to find the gaps and bottlenecks of the storage process. With the study, improvements and reorganization actions were indicated in order to minimize waste of raw material, maximize FEFO’s respect and mitigate the procedural failures identified applying Standard Operation Procedures.
gestão de estoque , mapeamento de processos , procedimentos operacionais padronizados , inventory management , process mapping , standard operation procedures