Análise do efeito da pandemia no setor de turismo
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Bozzoli, Leonardo Gherson
Silva, Lucas Barboza da
Santos, Raphael Tassinari
Silva, Lucas Barboza da
Santos, Raphael Tassinari
Vicente, Silmara Alexandra da Silva
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os principais impactos causados pela pandemia no setor de turismo durante o ano de 2020 analisando os resultados de empresas do setor e seu público alvo. Deste modo, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida através de um estudo das divulgações de resultados trimestrais de duas companhias do ramo de turismo, as quais tem capital aberto e os dados são públicos e um formulário estruturado a fim de identificar as principais estratégias tomadas para enfrentar o momento e qual seria a tendência de consumo para um período pós pandemia.
This article aims to identify the main impacts caused by the pandemic in the tourism sector during the year of 2020, analyzing the results of companies in the sector and their target audience. That way, the research was developed through a study of two companies quarterly earnings releases in the tourism industry, which are publicly traded and the results are public and a structured survey in order to identify the main strategies to face the scenario and what would be the consumption trend for a post-pandemic period.
This article aims to identify the main impacts caused by the pandemic in the tourism sector during the year of 2020, analyzing the results of companies in the sector and their target audience. That way, the research was developed through a study of two companies quarterly earnings releases in the tourism industry, which are publicly traded and the results are public and a structured survey in order to identify the main strategies to face the scenario and what would be the consumption trend for a post-pandemic period.
turismo , Covid-19 , pandemia , tourism , pandemic