Vitamina D na Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP): revisão de literatura
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Jomaa, Carolina
Pincinato, Éder de Carvalho
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A síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP) é uma das endocrinopatias mais comuns entre mulheres na idade fértil. Embora o mecanismo da doença ainda não esteja bem definido, essa síndrome está freqüentemente associada à resistência à insulina (RI), obesidade hiperandrogenemia, inflamação crônica e estresse oxidativo. A doença pode se manifestar por hirsutismo, acne, seborréia, alopecia, irregularidade menstrual, obesidade e cistos ovarianos. As alterações hormonais contribuem para que as portadoras desenvolvam muitas complicações quando não é feito o tratamento adequado, sendo este direcionado para a regularização do ciclo menstrual, recuperação da fertilidade, prevenção de possíveis complicações, nos quais a vitamina D pode ter um papel muito importante. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão da literatura para avaliar o papel da suplementação de vitamina D na SOP. A revisão foi realizada nos bancos de dados nacionais e internacionais, tais como Scielo e PubMed, com artigos publicados entre 2000 e 2019. Após análise dos artigos, observa-se uma deficiência de vitamina D comum entre as mulheres portadoras da síndrome, que pode exacerbar sintomas da SOP. Além desta associação, observou-se que concentrações reduzidas de 25OHD foram associados com resistência à insulina, irregularidades menstruais e ovulatórias, infertilidade, hirsutismo, hiperandrogenismo, obesidade e fatores de risco para desenvolvimento de doença cardiovascular. Entretanto, ainda não existe um consenço na literatura científica sobre o papel da suplementação de 25OHD na SOP, sendo necessária a realização de mais estudos para comprovar esta hipótese.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrinopathies among women of fertile age. Although the pathology mechanism is still not well defined, this syndrome is frequently associated with insulin resistance (IR), obesity, hyperandrogenemia, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. The disease can be manifested by: hirsutism, acne, seborrhea, alopecia, menstrual irregularity, obesity and ovarian cysts. The hormonal changes contribute to the fact that the women can develop many complications when the appropriate treatment is not done. The treatments have as objectives the regularization of the menstrual cycle, recovery of fertility, prevention of possible complications, in which vitamin D can play a very important role. This work aims to review the literature to evaluate vitamin D supplementation in PCOS. The review was carried out in databases recognized by the scientific community, such as Scielo and PubMed, with articles published between 2000 and 2019.Vitamin D deficiency is common in women with PCOS, and may exacerbate symptoms of PCOS, with studies showing that reduced levels of 25OHD have been associated with insulin resistance, menstrual and ovulatory irregularities, infertility, hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, obesity, and risk factors for development of cardiovascular disease. However, more studies are needed to prove the hypothesis.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrinopathies among women of fertile age. Although the pathology mechanism is still not well defined, this syndrome is frequently associated with insulin resistance (IR), obesity, hyperandrogenemia, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. The disease can be manifested by: hirsutism, acne, seborrhea, alopecia, menstrual irregularity, obesity and ovarian cysts. The hormonal changes contribute to the fact that the women can develop many complications when the appropriate treatment is not done. The treatments have as objectives the regularization of the menstrual cycle, recovery of fertility, prevention of possible complications, in which vitamin D can play a very important role. This work aims to review the literature to evaluate vitamin D supplementation in PCOS. The review was carried out in databases recognized by the scientific community, such as Scielo and PubMed, with articles published between 2000 and 2019.Vitamin D deficiency is common in women with PCOS, and may exacerbate symptoms of PCOS, with studies showing that reduced levels of 25OHD have been associated with insulin resistance, menstrual and ovulatory irregularities, infertility, hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, obesity, and risk factors for development of cardiovascular disease. However, more studies are needed to prove the hypothesis.
síndrome do ovário policístico , resistência insulínica , obesidade , perfil lipídico , vitamina D , deficiência de vitamina D , suplementação de vitamina D , polycystic ovary syndrome , insulin resistance , obesity , lipid profile , vitamin D , vitamin D deficiency , vitamin D supplementation