Planejamento estratégico: o Balanced Scorecard como ferramenta de medição e avaliação dos objetivos estratégicos da empresa
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Silveira, Ester Faria da
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Com o processo da globalização, época marcada pela grande competição da informação, onde apenas as organizações mais fortes sobrevivem, é necessária à rapidez na manipulação dos ativos tangíveis e intangíveis para obter vantagem competitiva. Como inicialmente a saúde de uma organização era medida apenas com indicadores do passado, os financeiros, os quais eram baseados apenas nos ativos tangíveis, Kaplan e Norton identificaram a necessidade de também medir os ativos intangíveis, para isto desenvolveram uma metodologia baseada nestes dois tipos de ativos, nomeada de Balanced Scorecard ou BSC, cujo foco está dividido em quatro perspectivas: financeira, do cliente, processos internos, e aprendizado e crescimento. O BSC traduz a estratégia em um conjunto de indicadores financeiros e não financeiros, é uma ferramenta para controle e alinhamento estratégico da organização. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar a metodologia do Balanced Scorecard, suas vantagens e perspectivas, e apresentar um guia de como implementá-lo. Apresenta também um estudo de caso composto de uma implementação utilizando a metodologia do BSC. Por fim, conclui-se que o BSC auxilia a organização a dirigir seus passos para o alvo, utilizando o caminho correto com alto desempenho.
Doe to the globalization process, a period marked by great competition of information, only the strongest organizations survive, it is necessary agility in the manipulation of tangible and intangible assets to obtain competitive advantage. Initially, the health of an organization was measured only with indicators of past events, mainly the financial ones, which were based only by tangible assets. Kaplan and Norton also identified the necessity of measure the intangible assets. To accomplish it, they have developed a methodology based on both types of assets, named Balanced Scorecard or BSC, which focus is divided into four perspectives: financial, customer, intern process, and learning and growth. The BSC translates the strategy into a set of financial and nonfinancial indicators, it is a tool for control and strategic alignment of the organization. The main objective of this article is to present the methodology of Balanced Scorecard, its advantages and prospects, and provide a guide of how to implement it. It also presents a case study compost of an implementation utilizing BSC methodology. Finally, it concludes that the BSC helps organization to direct their steps towards the target, using the correct path with high performance.
Doe to the globalization process, a period marked by great competition of information, only the strongest organizations survive, it is necessary agility in the manipulation of tangible and intangible assets to obtain competitive advantage. Initially, the health of an organization was measured only with indicators of past events, mainly the financial ones, which were based only by tangible assets. Kaplan and Norton also identified the necessity of measure the intangible assets. To accomplish it, they have developed a methodology based on both types of assets, named Balanced Scorecard or BSC, which focus is divided into four perspectives: financial, customer, intern process, and learning and growth. The BSC translates the strategy into a set of financial and nonfinancial indicators, it is a tool for control and strategic alignment of the organization. The main objective of this article is to present the methodology of Balanced Scorecard, its advantages and prospects, and provide a guide of how to implement it. It also presents a case study compost of an implementation utilizing BSC methodology. Finally, it concludes that the BSC helps organization to direct their steps towards the target, using the correct path with high performance.
Vantagem competitiva (administração) , Tecnologia da informação , Indicadores financeiros , Balanced Scorecard (tecnologia da informação)