Cadeira de bambu laminado
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Citações (Scopus)
Silva, Leonardo Hikaru Felix da
Bertolini, Juliana
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O projeto apresenta um estudo para o desenvolvimento de uma cadeira a partir do bambu laminado, tendo como inspiração o estilo do móvel moderno brasileiro. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram realizadas pesquisas sobre o bambu, o estilo do móvel moderno no brasil e análise de alguns dos mais influentes arquitetos, designers do período, como Lucio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer e Sérgio Rodrigues e Joaquim Tenreiro. Realizaram-se também pesquisas sobre os principais concorrentes a fim de entender o posicionamento das empresas no mercado atual.
The project presents a study for the development of a chair from laminated bamboo, taking as inspiration the style of modern Brazilian mobile. For the development of the work conducted on the bamboo, the style of modern mobile in Brazil and analysis of some of the most influential architects, designers of the period, as Lucio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer and Sergio Rodrigues and Joaquim Tenreiro. There were also surveys the main competitors in order to understand the positioning of undertakings on the market today.
The project presents a study for the development of a chair from laminated bamboo, taking as inspiration the style of modern Brazilian mobile. For the development of the work conducted on the bamboo, the style of modern mobile in Brazil and analysis of some of the most influential architects, designers of the period, as Lucio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer and Sergio Rodrigues and Joaquim Tenreiro. There were also surveys the main competitors in order to understand the positioning of undertakings on the market today.
Cadeira , Bambu , Sustentabilidade , Estilo moderno