O herói trágico: Suspensão teleológico da moralidade em Kierkegaard
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Garcia , Igor Araujo
Moraes , Gerson Leite de
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Uma análise do livro Temor e Tremor de Soren Kierkegaard apontando a partir da história de
Abraão o valor do indivíduo e da necessidade de que cada um tem de se tornar um. Saindo do
comportamento geral para o individual. Passando pelos estádios estético e ético e, como por um
salto, até o estádio religioso, o autor nos chama a olhar para essa importante realidade da
existência. Na síntese entre o infinito e o finito o indivíduo encontra o momento perfeito para
desenvolver sua individualidade. De se tornar verdadeiramente livre.
Abstract: An analysis of the book Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard, pointing out from the story of Abraham the value of the individual and the need that each one has to become one. Leaving the general behavior for the individual. Passing through the aesthetic and ethical stages and, as if by a leap, to the religious stage, the author calls us to look at this important reality of existence. In the synthesis between the infinite and the finite, the individual finds the perfect moment to develop his individuality. To become truly free.
Abstract: An analysis of the book Fear and Trembling by Soren Kierkegaard, pointing out from the story of Abraham the value of the individual and the need that each one has to become one. Leaving the general behavior for the individual. Passing through the aesthetic and ethical stages and, as if by a leap, to the religious stage, the author calls us to look at this important reality of existence. In the synthesis between the infinite and the finite, the individual finds the perfect moment to develop his individuality. To become truly free.
liberdade , angústia , Abraão , moralidade , Kierkegaard , freedom , anguish , Abraham , Morality , Kierkegaard