A aprendizagem permeada pelas novas tecnologias: o uso da web 2.0 na educação
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Campos, Mayara da Silva
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É relevante afirmar que atualmente a sociedade passa por uma grande inovação tecnológica, e que tal inovação se faz presente em todos os meios sociais, inclusive nas instituições de ensino. Diante desse fato o presente trabalho aborda como as novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, especificamente a web 2.0 estão presentes no âmbito educacional. Foi realizada uma pesquisa prática com o intuito de observar como os professores estão trabalhando as ferramentas da web 2.0, em que foi constatado que as ferramentas disponíveis hoje têm sido pouco utilizadas para fins educacionais, sendo mais aproveitadas como fonte de lazer e distração entre os alunos. Tal pesquisa revelou também que os professores recebem formação continuada e orientações didáticas quanto ao uso das tecnologias em sala de aula e procuram formular planos de ensino baseados em tais orientações, entretanto, o processo de inserção das tecnologias da web 2.0 ainda ocorre de maneira discreta. As ferramentas tecnológicas e especialmente as consideradas da web 2.0 tem grande potencial educativo e se utilizadas da maneira correta podem ser aliadas do professor e sustentáculos para uma prática pedagógica instigadora, reflexiva e propagadora de uma aprendizagem rica e significativa.
It is relevant to say that currently the company undergoes a major technological innovation, and that such innovation is present in all social media, including in educational institutions. Based on this fact the present work discusses how the new information and communication technologies, specifically web 2.0 are present in the educational sphere. A practical research was carried out in order to observe how the teachers are working on web 2.0 tools, in that it has been found that the tools available today has been little used for educational purposes, being more used as a source of entertainment and distraction among students. Such research also revealed that teachers receive continuing training and didactic guidelines regarding the use of classroom technologies and seek to formulate lesson plans based on these guidelines, however, the process of inserting web 2.0 technologies still occurs in a discrete fashion. The technological tools and especially the web 2.0 considered has great educational potential and if used correctly can be allied teacher and supports for a pedagogical practice instigator, reflective and disseminator of a rich and meaningful learning.
It is relevant to say that currently the company undergoes a major technological innovation, and that such innovation is present in all social media, including in educational institutions. Based on this fact the present work discusses how the new information and communication technologies, specifically web 2.0 are present in the educational sphere. A practical research was carried out in order to observe how the teachers are working on web 2.0 tools, in that it has been found that the tools available today has been little used for educational purposes, being more used as a source of entertainment and distraction among students. Such research also revealed that teachers receive continuing training and didactic guidelines regarding the use of classroom technologies and seek to formulate lesson plans based on these guidelines, however, the process of inserting web 2.0 technologies still occurs in a discrete fashion. The technological tools and especially the web 2.0 considered has great educational potential and if used correctly can be allied teacher and supports for a pedagogical practice instigator, reflective and disseminator of a rich and meaningful learning.
Tecnologia , Web 2.0 , Aprendizagem , Educação