Análise do campo elétrico atmosférico durante tempo bom e distúrbios geofísicos
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Anaya, José Carlos Tacza
Raulin, Jean Pierre
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Membros da banca
Duro, Magda Aparecida Salgueiro
Rodriguez, Carlos Augusto Morales
Rodriguez, Carlos Augusto Morales
Ciências e Aplicações Geoespaciais
In this dissertation, we present the capability of a new network of sensors to monitor the atmospheric electric field at various locations in South America. The main goal is to obtain the characteristic Universal Time daily curve of the atmospheric electric field in fair-weather. That curve is known as the Carnegie curve, which is related to the currents flowing in the Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit. This has been accomplished using monthly, seasonal and annual averages. After obtaining our standard curve of variation of the electric field in fair-weather, the deviations related to phenomena such as solar flares, solar protons events, geomagnetic storms, total solar eclipse and seismic activity are analyzed and commented.
campo elétrico atmosférico , curva de Carnegie , circuito elétrico atmosférico global , explosão solar , evento de prótons solar , tempestade geomagnética , eclipse solar total , atividade sísmica , atmospheric electric field , Carnegie curve , global atmospheric electric circuit , solar flare , solar proton event , geomagnetic storm , total solar eclipse , seismic activity
Assuntos Scopus
ANAYA, José Carlos Tacza. Análise do campo elétrico atmosférico durante tempo bom e distúrbios geofísicos. 2015. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.