Avaliação de modelos de previsão de demanda intermitente: aplicação a peças de reposição de bens de consumo
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Costa, Lucas Gonçalves
Oliveira, Maria Celia de
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O serviço de pós-venda busca garantir as atividades de suporte técnico e serviços adicionais a fim
de assegurar maior proveito e valor para o produto-serviço, minimizando ou até revertendo a
experiência negativa do cliente, ajudando em sua fidelização. Entretanto, observa-se o desafio de se
manter estoques baixos, a fim de garantir eficiência em custos de peças de reposição, e ao mesmo
tempo garantir o nível de serviço desejado exigido pelo mercado, pois métodos tradicionais não são
capazes de prever o comportamento da demanda característica esporádica desses itens. O objetivo
principal deste estudo é avaliar métodos de previsão de demanda para gestão de estoques de peças
que apresentam demanda intermitente a fim de criar um modelo de previsão que melhor corrobore
ao planejamento de estoques dessas peças em uma empresa do setor de bens de consumo. A partir
da análise de dados de três anos de pedidos de venda de um item de reposição de uma empresa de
bens de consumo, foram testados os métodos de Média Móvel Ponderada, Suavização Exponencial
Simples, Croston e Syntetos-Boylan, onde foi identificado leve melhora no desempenho de previsão
quando utilizado o método de média móvel ponderada.
The after-sales service seeks to guarantee the technical support activities and additional services in order to ensure greater benefit and value for the product-service, minimizing or even reversing the customer's negative experience, helping in their loyalty. However, the challenge is to maintain low inventories in order to guarantee cost efficiency of spare parts, while at the same time guaranteeing the desired level of service demanded by the market because traditional methods are not able to predict the behavior of demand sporadic characteristics of these items. The main objective of this study is to evaluate methods of forecasting demand for inventory management of parts that present intermittent demand in order to create a forecast model that better corroborates the inventory planning of these parts in a company in the consumer goods sector. Based on a three-year data analysis of sales orders for a replacement item from a consumer goods company, the Weighted Moving Average, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Croston and Syntetos-Boylan methods were tested, where a slight improvement was identified in prediction performance when using the weighted average method.
The after-sales service seeks to guarantee the technical support activities and additional services in order to ensure greater benefit and value for the product-service, minimizing or even reversing the customer's negative experience, helping in their loyalty. However, the challenge is to maintain low inventories in order to guarantee cost efficiency of spare parts, while at the same time guaranteeing the desired level of service demanded by the market because traditional methods are not able to predict the behavior of demand sporadic characteristics of these items. The main objective of this study is to evaluate methods of forecasting demand for inventory management of parts that present intermittent demand in order to create a forecast model that better corroborates the inventory planning of these parts in a company in the consumer goods sector. Based on a three-year data analysis of sales orders for a replacement item from a consumer goods company, the Weighted Moving Average, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Croston and Syntetos-Boylan methods were tested, where a slight improvement was identified in prediction performance when using the weighted average method.
peças de reposição , demanda intermitente , previsão de demanda , spare parts , intermitent demand , demand forecasting