Avaliação da Peroxidase extraída de fungos na descoloração de corpos hídricos
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Martins, Lucas Fontanetti
Volkers, Mariana Campos
Ribeiro, Matheus Vieger
Pinto, Otávio Henrique de Queiroz
Volkers, Mariana Campos
Ribeiro, Matheus Vieger
Pinto, Otávio Henrique de Queiroz
Monezi Júnior, Orlando
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O projeto consiste no estudo e avaliação da enzima Peroxidase extraída da família de fungos denominada Basidiomicetos na remoção do corante azul reativo provenientes de indústrias têxteis. Foram realizados estudos com a literatura vigente e traçados paralelos importantes que compilam os recentes estudos nesta área da engenharia ambiental. O trabalho busca reunir informações essenciais que subsidiarão futuras pesquisas, desenvolvendo objetivos essenciais para sua completude em analisar o desempenho da Peroxidase na descoloração de corpos hídricos provenientes de indústrias têxteis: avaliar o desempenho da enzima na remoção de corantes azuis reativos e comparar dados obtidos com a solução proposta pelo tratamento convencional. Para alcançar estes objetivos, fez-se extensa revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte, conectando diversos manuscritos a fim de aproximar os possíveis resultados com dados obtidos experimentalmente, mas reforçando a necessidade de realização deles para confirmar os achados descritos neste artigo. Através das pesquisas, foi possível observar que as enzimas possuem potencial de efetividade para descolorir efluentes hídricos, porém com devida cautela pois para cada peroxidase e corante, exige uma metodologia apropriada uma vez que há a possibilidade de a enzima aumentar as taxas de toxicidade, exigindo ensaios experimentais para levantar os parâmetros ideais para que as técnicas possam ser usadas para remover os corantes dos esgotos de indústrias têxteis.
The project consists of the Peroxidase enzyme, extracted from the Basidiomycetes fungi family, study and evaluation to remove the reative blue dye from the textile industry. It was realized studies with actual literature and crucial parallels are drawn that compile the recent articles on this área of Ambiental Engineering. The research has the objective gather essential information that will subsidize future research, developing important specifics objectives for the completeness performance analysis of Peroxidase for water decoloration: to evaluate the enzyme performance to remove reative blue dye of the water and compare the obtained data with the conventional treatment. The methodology consists to review the academic research that approaches this subject to approximate the possible results with obtained datas, reinforcing the necessity to realize them to confirm the findings described on this article. Through research, it was possible to observe that the enzymes have the potential to effectively decolorize water effluents, but with due caution because for each peroxidase and dye, it requires an appropriate methodology since there is the possibility that the enzyme increases toxicity rates, requiring experimental tests to raise the ideal parameters so that the techniques can be used to remove dyes from sewers in textile industries.
The project consists of the Peroxidase enzyme, extracted from the Basidiomycetes fungi family, study and evaluation to remove the reative blue dye from the textile industry. It was realized studies with actual literature and crucial parallels are drawn that compile the recent articles on this área of Ambiental Engineering. The research has the objective gather essential information that will subsidize future research, developing important specifics objectives for the completeness performance analysis of Peroxidase for water decoloration: to evaluate the enzyme performance to remove reative blue dye of the water and compare the obtained data with the conventional treatment. The methodology consists to review the academic research that approaches this subject to approximate the possible results with obtained datas, reinforcing the necessity to realize them to confirm the findings described on this article. Through research, it was possible to observe that the enzymes have the potential to effectively decolorize water effluents, but with due caution because for each peroxidase and dye, it requires an appropriate methodology since there is the possibility that the enzyme increases toxicity rates, requiring experimental tests to raise the ideal parameters so that the techniques can be used to remove dyes from sewers in textile industries.
peroxidase , despoluição , indústria têxtil , depollution , textile industry