Sharing economy: Evaluating the impact of an alternative for public transportation in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil

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Progress in Economics Research. Volume 46
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© 2021 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.During the past decades, globalization has promoted a constant innovation process by the companies. When it comes to discussions about competitiveness and economic development, innovation is a mandatory subject. It is an expanded concept, which involves market and organizational aspects, even though most of the approaches refer to technological, process and product innovation. Which benefits have the bicycle lanes brought to the public transportation system in the city of Sao Paulo? Taking into account social actors' movements to innovate searching problems solutions, and the appearance of another kind of economy supported by social entrepreneurship bringing benefits to the whole society, the objective of this study was to explore the population perception about the availability of bicycle lanes as an alternative to public transportation in the city of Sao Paulo. Public administration plays a significant role in boosting innovation in economies, promoting the creation of public value to meet society challenges (Matei, Savulescu, & Antonovici, 2015). In developed countries, innovative capabilities refer not only to investments in new technologies for products or processes; they are also aligned with broader knowledge availability (Maciel, 2005), which allows technological diversity and evolution to be strongly tied up to social needs (Baumgarten, 2008). The study involved the qualitative and quantitative methodology of the Discourse of the Collective Subject (DCS). The author conducted the survey with a convenience, non-probabilistic sample of 73 economic actors (young adults, adults and elderly people, both genders) in the city of Sao Paulo, during October and November 2015, using a structured questionnaire with open questions. Answers were recorded using a smartphone; then transcribed and uploaded to software Qualiquantisoft. All the controversy about the availability of bicycle lanes in Sao Paulo does not only stand for a struggle about the logistics of everyday life in the city. Most of the respondents indicated a positive perception about the bicycle lanes, perceived as a cheaper and more sustainable alternative for moving around the city. They believe it is a local government decision that will benefit citizens and expect more investment for future expansions. With most positive perception by the population, it refers to the value residents attribute to public space and the legitimacy they grant to people who wish to occupy that space with something other than cars. Lack of space, fuel crisis, environmental issues and other economic aspects observed in daily life in Sao Paulo become catalysts for several actions, which stimulate social innovation such as the offer of bicycle lanes and present a potential to social transformation.
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