A drenagem urbana no contexto do novo marco legal do saneamento
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Ribeiro, Ana Késia de Albuquerque
Tamayosi, Renato Yoshiaki
Pena, Stephanie Santana Costa
Tamayosi, Renato Yoshiaki
Pena, Stephanie Santana Costa
Armelin, Liliane Frosini
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O Novo Marco Legal do Saneamento sancionado no dia 15 de julho de 2020 trouxe mudanças no que havia sido proposto dentro dos parâmetros de saneamento na Lei 11.445 de 2007. Assim como acontecia no passado, os serviços de abastecimento de água e coleta de esgoto continuam a ser os pontos mais abordados, enquanto a drenagem urbana e o manejo de resíduos sólidos permanecem em segundo plano. A drenagem urbana passou muitos anos sem um marco regulatório, sendo somente estabelecido em 2007, até então as diretrizes partiam de projetos e planos como o Plano Nacional de Saneamento, que representou passos importantes para o manejo de águas pluviais. A Lei 14.026 demonstra esforços para desenvolver o setor de saneamento, que por enquanto, se encontra em uma situação distante aos demais setores como o de energia e telecomunicações que possuem um crescimento acelerado e melhor infraestrutura. Com objetivo de analisar as lacunas do sistema de manejo de águas pluviais do Novo Marco Legal de Saneamento, este trabalho visa, através de revisões bibliográficas, discutir e analisar problemas intrínsecos ao contexto nacional. A eficácia de planejamentos, questões sociais da população de áreas irregulares e falta de recursos financeiros que afetam diretamente na implantação e manutenção de medidas de controle de enchentes e inundações nos diferentes territórios brasileiros passa a ser o foco do desenvolvimento da pesquisa deste artigo.
On 15th July of 2020, the new Sanitation Legal Framework was sanctioned and brought changes to what had been proposed within the sanitation’s parameters in law nº 11.445 of 2007. As in the past, water supply and sewage services continue to be the most discussed topics, while urban drainage and solid waste management remain in the background. Urban drainage spent many years without a regulatory framework, being only established in 2007, until then, the guidelines were based on projects and plans such as National Sanitation Plan, which represented important steps in the management of rainwater. The law nº 14.026 demonstrates efforts to develop sanitation’s sector, which still is, regarding growth and infrastructure, far from from other sectors such as energy and telecommunications. In order to analyze the gaps in the rainwater management system of the New Legal Sanitation Framework, this study aims, through bibliographical researches, to discuss and analyze problems intrinsic to the national context. The effectiveness of planning, social issues of the population in irregular areas and lack of financial resources that directly affects the implementation and maintenance of flood control measures in different Brazilian territories becomes the focus of the research in this article.
On 15th July of 2020, the new Sanitation Legal Framework was sanctioned and brought changes to what had been proposed within the sanitation’s parameters in law nº 11.445 of 2007. As in the past, water supply and sewage services continue to be the most discussed topics, while urban drainage and solid waste management remain in the background. Urban drainage spent many years without a regulatory framework, being only established in 2007, until then, the guidelines were based on projects and plans such as National Sanitation Plan, which represented important steps in the management of rainwater. The law nº 14.026 demonstrates efforts to develop sanitation’s sector, which still is, regarding growth and infrastructure, far from from other sectors such as energy and telecommunications. In order to analyze the gaps in the rainwater management system of the New Legal Sanitation Framework, this study aims, through bibliographical researches, to discuss and analyze problems intrinsic to the national context. The effectiveness of planning, social issues of the population in irregular areas and lack of financial resources that directly affects the implementation and maintenance of flood control measures in different Brazilian territories becomes the focus of the research in this article.
drenagem urbana , áreas irregulares , novo marco legal do saneamento , urban drainage , irregular areas , new sanitation legal framework