Estudo do comportamento degradativo do policarbonato aditivado sob ação da radiação ultravioleta.
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Oliveira, Gabriel Krug de
Barbosa, Juliano Martins
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Devido a suas boas propriedades mecânicas e ópticas, como boa resistência ao impacto e transparência, o policarbonato (PC), poliéster termoplástico de Engenharia, gera grande interesse na indústria. É comum que seja utilizado em aplicações a céu aberto, podendo sofrer fotodegradação pela ação da radiação ultravioleta (UV), já que possui grupos cromóforos em sua estrutura, fazendo-se necessário a incorporação de aditivos absorvedores de radiação UV (UVA), que aumentam a vida útil do material. A degradação do PC ocorre através de dois mecanismos distintos: Rearranjo de Fries e Foto-oxidação. Para a realização do presente artigo foram utilizados como critérios de escolha autores que explicavam como ocorre e quais são os mecanismos de degradação do PC quando é submetido à ação da radiação UV, assim como os que faziam um estudo baseado em algum aditivo incorporado, através de caracterizações mecânicas e morfológicas. Observa-se que os produtos de oxidação do PC estão diretamente ligados com o comprimento de onda irradiado no material. Apesar dos bons resultados, a incorporação de um pigmento diazo faz o material perder a transparência e a utilização de um copolímero poliarilato necessita de concentração elevada para ocorrer boa estabilização. Através da taxa de oxidação, foi verificado que a eficácia do UVA depende da classe a que ele pertence e que há uma melhor estabilização no uso de UVAs do que no uso de aminas estericamente bloqueadas (HALS). Antioxidantes devem ser utilizado sinergicamente aos UVAs para evitar outros processos degradativos, como a degradação térmica no processamento, por exemplo.
Due to its good mechanical and optical properties, such as good impact resistance and transparency, polycarbonate (PC), Engineering thermoplastic polyester, has great interest in the industry. It is common that it is used in outdoor applications, and may undergo photodegradation due to the action of ultraviolet radiation (UV), since it has chromophores groups in its structure, making it necessary to incorporate UV radiation absorbers stabilizers (UVA), which increase the useful life of the material. PC degradation occurs through two distinct mechanisms: Fries Rearrangement and Photo-oxidation. For the realization of this article, as criteria of choice, were used authors that explained how it happens and what are the degradation mechanisms of PC when it is exposed to UV radiation, as well as those who made a study based on some incorporated additive, through mechanical and morphological characterizations. It is observed that the oxidation products of PC are directly related with the wavelength irradiated in the material. Despite the good results, an incorporation of a diazo pigment causes the material to lose its transparency and the use of a polyarylate copolymer requires high concentration for good stabilization to occur. Due to the oxidation rate, it was found that the effectiveness of UVA depends on the class to which it belongs and that there is a better stabilization in using UVAs instead of hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS). Antioxidants should be used synergistically with UVAs to avoid other degradative processes, such as thermal degradation in the processing step, for example.
Due to its good mechanical and optical properties, such as good impact resistance and transparency, polycarbonate (PC), Engineering thermoplastic polyester, has great interest in the industry. It is common that it is used in outdoor applications, and may undergo photodegradation due to the action of ultraviolet radiation (UV), since it has chromophores groups in its structure, making it necessary to incorporate UV radiation absorbers stabilizers (UVA), which increase the useful life of the material. PC degradation occurs through two distinct mechanisms: Fries Rearrangement and Photo-oxidation. For the realization of this article, as criteria of choice, were used authors that explained how it happens and what are the degradation mechanisms of PC when it is exposed to UV radiation, as well as those who made a study based on some incorporated additive, through mechanical and morphological characterizations. It is observed that the oxidation products of PC are directly related with the wavelength irradiated in the material. Despite the good results, an incorporation of a diazo pigment causes the material to lose its transparency and the use of a polyarylate copolymer requires high concentration for good stabilization to occur. Due to the oxidation rate, it was found that the effectiveness of UVA depends on the class to which it belongs and that there is a better stabilization in using UVAs instead of hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS). Antioxidants should be used synergistically with UVAs to avoid other degradative processes, such as thermal degradation in the processing step, for example.
policarbonato , aditivação , radiação ultravioleta , polycarbonate , stabilization , ultraviolet radiation