Religião e educação: Instituto Presbiteriano de Cabo Frio (Estudo de caso)
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Silva, Marcia Lessa Medeiros da
Gomes, Antonio Máspoli de Araújo
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Pereira, João Baptista Borges
Pazinato, Patricia
Pazinato, Patricia
Ciências da Religião
Esta pesquisa propõe refletir o movimento protestante, sua ética, influências e raízes através de uma abordagem histórica, pontuando o surgimento do protestantismo na Alemanha ,e posteriormente, em terras brasileiras. Diante do
movimento da reforma, esta pesquisa busca mostrar de que forma se deu a influência do protestantismo na formação da pedagogia brasileira. Ao expor essa grande contribuição do protestantismo à educação do Brasil, destacou-se sua importância para o entendimento do trabalho pedagógico desenvolvido no Instituto Presbiteriano de Cabo Frio. Sendo um desafio para a escola acompanhar o acelerado processo de desenvolvimento da atualidade e oferecer um trabalho diversificado que propicie aprendizagens significativas, através de um currículo que se ajuste à realidade de cada época e às necessidades individuais dos alunos. No início dos anos 80, com a abertura política, assistiu-se a uma grande mobilização dos educadores na busca de uma educação crítica, a serviço das transformações sociais, políticas e econômicas, com intuito de superar as desigualdades sociais e promover o exercício da cidadania, o que vem se consolidando com a pedagogia progressista. A esperança do poeta ao afirmar que a vida vale a pena mesmo o pão sendo caro e a liberdade pequena, continua gerando na sociedade a ousadia de superação das dificuldades. Este trabalho nasceu motivado por tais ventos. O objetivo deste estudo foi refletir sobre as consequências das dificuldades da aprendizagem no processo relacional entre os professores e alunos, bem como propor medidas práticas. As propostas aqui se firmaram no entendimento da necessidade de se capacitar o professor a assumir uma prática reflexiva, embasada cientificamente e também oferecê-lo um ambiente contribuinte para sua saúde emocional. Tal investimento no professor possui reflexo direto no aluno que propiciando que este assuma a condição de sujeito que além de ouvir, poderá falar sem culpa, enxergar suas dificuldades e encontrar espaço para superá-las.
Our research proposes to reflect the protestant movement, its ethics, influences and its roots through a historical approach, in view of the birth of Protestantism around the world, and, aftermost, in Brazilian lands. Through the light of the Reformist provement our research tries to show how the Protestantism influenced on the construction of the Brazilian pedagogy, on showing such contribution, we would like to highlight the pedagogical work developed at the Instituto Presbiteriano de Cabo Frio. We would like to show our efforts to follow the accelerated process of nowadays development and our endeavors in order to offer a diverse work that offers significant learning through a program that may be adjusted to the reality of our time and the individual needs of each student. In the beginning of 80 s, with the political opening, we could see a great mobilization of our educators on the seeking of a critical education that could bring social, political and economical transformation in order to overcome social inequalities and promote the citizenship, which is been consolidated by the progressist pedagogy. The hope of the poet that affirms that the life is worth even though the bread is expensive and the liberty is small continues generating boldness to overcome the needs of our society. This work is borne motivated by such blows of winds. The objective of these studies to bring us to reflect about the consequences of the learning difficulties in the relational process between teachers and students, and as well as to propose critical measures. Such proposes here cited try to show that we have to reflect to take a reflexive practice as teachers, scientifically based and also offer an atmosphere that may contribute to healthy and an emotional venue. On doing so the teacher will bring to the student the possibility of listing, answering and accept his difficulties without any guilt, understanding, knowing how to overcome then.
Our research proposes to reflect the protestant movement, its ethics, influences and its roots through a historical approach, in view of the birth of Protestantism around the world, and, aftermost, in Brazilian lands. Through the light of the Reformist provement our research tries to show how the Protestantism influenced on the construction of the Brazilian pedagogy, on showing such contribution, we would like to highlight the pedagogical work developed at the Instituto Presbiteriano de Cabo Frio. We would like to show our efforts to follow the accelerated process of nowadays development and our endeavors in order to offer a diverse work that offers significant learning through a program that may be adjusted to the reality of our time and the individual needs of each student. In the beginning of 80 s, with the political opening, we could see a great mobilization of our educators on the seeking of a critical education that could bring social, political and economical transformation in order to overcome social inequalities and promote the citizenship, which is been consolidated by the progressist pedagogy. The hope of the poet that affirms that the life is worth even though the bread is expensive and the liberty is small continues generating boldness to overcome the needs of our society. This work is borne motivated by such blows of winds. The objective of these studies to bring us to reflect about the consequences of the learning difficulties in the relational process between teachers and students, and as well as to propose critical measures. Such proposes here cited try to show that we have to reflect to take a reflexive practice as teachers, scientifically based and also offer an atmosphere that may contribute to healthy and an emotional venue. On doing so the teacher will bring to the student the possibility of listing, answering and accept his difficulties without any guilt, understanding, knowing how to overcome then.
educação , ética protestante , aprendizagem , cidadania , saúde emocional , education , protestant ethics , citizenship , learning , emotional health
Assuntos Scopus
SILVA, Marcia Lessa Medeiros da. Religião e educação: Instituto Presbiteriano de Cabo Frio (Estudo de caso). 2012. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Religião) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2012.