Fissuras em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto
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Ueta, Fabio Rafael Mota
Ioshimoto, Eduardo
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Este trabalho de conclusão de curso apresenta uma investigação sobre a influência da capacitação da mão de obra no surgimento de fissuras em alvenarias estruturais de blocos de concreto vazado, pesquisando os métodos executivos existentes, seus materiais, as patologias e suas causas, analisando a origem de seu surgimento. São apresentadas as fissurações em alvenarias, classificadas em três categorias, sendo estas, verticais, inclinadas e horizontais. Estas fissuras podem surgir por falhas na concepção do projeto, pela escassez de detalhes, ausência de fiscalização no processo executivo e na baixa qualidade dos materiais e componentes, implicando à edificação menor durabilidade e solidez. O método de pesquisa adotado neste trabalho consistiu em confrontar os dados obtidos por meios convencionais com os resultados do estudo de caso. A avaliação dos resultados encontrados foi satisfatória, pois foi possível evidenciar a falta de fiscalização das atividades, durante o processo executivo, tais como falha no assentamento e mau armazenamento dos materiais, aumentando a possibilidade do surgimento de fissuras e demais patologias, expondo a influência da baixa capacitação da mão de obra.
This course conclusion work presents an investigation about the influence of the manpower capacity in the appearance of cracks in structural masonries made by concrete blocks leaked, researching the executive methods existing, materials, pathologies and their causes, analyzing the origin of its emergence. Are presented the cracks in masonries, classified into three categories, these being, vertical, inclined and horizontal. These cracks can arise from flaws in the design of the project, the lack of detail, absence of supervision in the enforcement process and the low quality of materials and components, implying to the edification less durability and solidity. The research method adopted in this work was to compare the data obtained by conventional means with the results of the case study. The research method adopted in this work consisted on confront the data obtained by conventional means with the results of the case study. The evaluation of results was satisfactory as it was possible to demonstrate the lack of oversight activities during the execution process, such as failure in the settlement and poor storage of materials, increasing the possibility of the appearance of cracks and other pathologies, exposing the influence of the manpower low capacity.
This course conclusion work presents an investigation about the influence of the manpower capacity in the appearance of cracks in structural masonries made by concrete blocks leaked, researching the executive methods existing, materials, pathologies and their causes, analyzing the origin of its emergence. Are presented the cracks in masonries, classified into three categories, these being, vertical, inclined and horizontal. These cracks can arise from flaws in the design of the project, the lack of detail, absence of supervision in the enforcement process and the low quality of materials and components, implying to the edification less durability and solidity. The research method adopted in this work was to compare the data obtained by conventional means with the results of the case study. The research method adopted in this work consisted on confront the data obtained by conventional means with the results of the case study. The evaluation of results was satisfactory as it was possible to demonstrate the lack of oversight activities during the execution process, such as failure in the settlement and poor storage of materials, increasing the possibility of the appearance of cracks and other pathologies, exposing the influence of the manpower low capacity.
Patologias , Fissuras , Alvenaria estrutural