Aprendizagem numa perspectiva reflexiva e transformadora em um curso de Ciências Biológicas: evidências do processo
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Santos, Gabriele Antunes
Pechliye, Magda Medhat
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A relação entre o ensinar e o aprender podem apresentar diferentes evidências neste processo, se os alunos conseguiram aprender e em qual nível de reflexão de aprendizagem podem se encontrar, e assim, permitir avaliar e desenvolver os conhecimentos. E, para isso, visando uma aprendizagem transformadora, ou seja, com uma abordagem mais reflexiva e crítica, holística, interativa e construtiva que agrega pontos de vistas e hábitos de mente para a formação de quadros de referência, das identidades, autonomias e percepções dos alunos, o presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e analisar possíveis indícios de aprendizagem transformadora. Para tanto, foram analisadas oito aulas gravadas de uma disciplina da quinta etapa do curso de Ciências Biológicas, selecionado as falas de três alunas e elaborado três quadros em formato de rubricas de avaliação consolidadas como ferramenta para avaliar em que nível de aprendizagem cada uma das alunas se encontram, por meio de um processo crítico e reflexivo (ANDRADE, 2000). Utilizando-se nestes quadros, os níveis de reflexão de aprendizagem propostos por Kember et al. (2008) e os parâmetros de competência de reflexão crítica e de comunicação estabelecidos por Peet (2020), assim como das referências abordadas sobre aprendizagem transformadora segundo Mezirow (1997). Com isso, a partir da análise das falas segundo o referencial e de acordo com os quatro quadros quantitativos construídos a partir dos resultados, pode-se compreender que as três alunas se encontram predominantemente no nível de Reflexão e no parâmetro de Exposição ou Pouco e também no parâmetro de Integração ou Mais ou Menos. Portanto, as alunas neste estudo puderam-se caracterizar de modo geral em um quadro mais reflexivo, relacionando com suas experiências pessoais e construindo uma aprendizagem mais significativa. Duas alunas se aproximaram mais da linha de aprendizagem transformadora, que seria na categoria de Reflexão Crítica e Transformação ou Muito, mas ainda quantitativamente, o maior número de respostas foi no nível de Reflexão, já que em suas falas ainda não haviam transformado de fato suas perspectivas, pensamentos, crenças, valores e conceitos antigos. O estudo revela que foi possível identificar e analisar evidências de aprendizagem num nível mais reflexivo, e que houve poucos indícios de aprendizagem transformadora.
The relationship between teaching and learning can present different evidences in this process, if the students were able to learn and in what level of learning reflection they can be, and thus, allow to evaluate and develop the knowledge. And, for that, aiming at a transformative learning, that is, with a more reflective and critical, holistic, interactive and constructive approach that aggregates points of view and habits of mind for the formation of frames of reference, identities, autonomies and perceptions of the students, the present study aimed to identify and analyze possible signs of transformative learning. For that, eight recorded classes of a discipline of the fifth stage of the Biological Sciences course were analyzed, selected the speeches of three students and prepared three tables in the format of consolidated assessment rubrics as a tool to assess at what level of learning each of the students meet, through a critical and reflective process (ANDRADE, 2000). Using these frameworks, the levels of learning reflection proposed by Kember et al. (2008) and the parameters of competence for critical reflection and for communication established by Peet (2020), as well as the references addressed on transformative learning according to Mezirow (1997). With that, from the analysis of the speeches according to the referential and according to the four quantitative tables constructed from the results, it can be understood that the three students are predominantly in the Reflection level and in the parameter of Exposure or Little and also in the parameter of Integration or More or Less. Therefore, the students in this study were able to characterize themselves in a general way in a more reflective framework, relating to their personal experiences and building a more meaningful learning. Two students came closer to the transformative learning line, which would be in the Critical Reflection and Transformation or Much category, but still quantitatively, the largest number of responses was at the Reflection level, since in their speeches they had not yet actually transformed their old perspectives, thoughts, beliefs, values and concepts. The study reveals that it was possible to identify and analyze evidence of learning at a more reflective level, and that there was little evidence of transformative learning.
The relationship between teaching and learning can present different evidences in this process, if the students were able to learn and in what level of learning reflection they can be, and thus, allow to evaluate and develop the knowledge. And, for that, aiming at a transformative learning, that is, with a more reflective and critical, holistic, interactive and constructive approach that aggregates points of view and habits of mind for the formation of frames of reference, identities, autonomies and perceptions of the students, the present study aimed to identify and analyze possible signs of transformative learning. For that, eight recorded classes of a discipline of the fifth stage of the Biological Sciences course were analyzed, selected the speeches of three students and prepared three tables in the format of consolidated assessment rubrics as a tool to assess at what level of learning each of the students meet, through a critical and reflective process (ANDRADE, 2000). Using these frameworks, the levels of learning reflection proposed by Kember et al. (2008) and the parameters of competence for critical reflection and for communication established by Peet (2020), as well as the references addressed on transformative learning according to Mezirow (1997). With that, from the analysis of the speeches according to the referential and according to the four quantitative tables constructed from the results, it can be understood that the three students are predominantly in the Reflection level and in the parameter of Exposure or Little and also in the parameter of Integration or More or Less. Therefore, the students in this study were able to characterize themselves in a general way in a more reflective framework, relating to their personal experiences and building a more meaningful learning. Two students came closer to the transformative learning line, which would be in the Critical Reflection and Transformation or Much category, but still quantitatively, the largest number of responses was at the Reflection level, since in their speeches they had not yet actually transformed their old perspectives, thoughts, beliefs, values and concepts. The study reveals that it was possible to identify and analyze evidence of learning at a more reflective level, and that there was little evidence of transformative learning.
aprendizagem transformadora , reflexão crítica , transformative learning , critical reflection