Análise dos fatores que influenciam na utilização de bicicletas compartilhadas
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Nascimento, Daniel Chavenco
Okuizumi, Karen Mayumi
Ide, Michele Iamaguti
Okuizumi, Karen Mayumi
Ide, Michele Iamaguti
Dinis, Henrique
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Em busca de meios alternativos de mobilidade rápida e econômica para acontecimentos esporádicos na cidade de São Paulo, nesta pesquisa optou-se pelo estudo de sistemas de bicicletas compartilhadas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de crescimento desses sistemas e identificar fatores que influenciam na demanda de bicicletas compartilhadas, como a distribuição das estações, topografia, cultura, segurança e fatores climáticos. Dentro desse contexto, foi analisada a viabilidade dessa modalidade de transporte aplicada à ciclofaixa operacional na Rua Costa Carvalho, no bairro de Pinheiros. Os resultados do estudo de caso indicam que a integração dos sistemas de bicicletas compartilhas com outros modos de transporte incentivam a adoção das bicicletas em trajetos de curta distância, e que a ciclofaixa tem potencial para se tornar popular caso sejam implantadas as devidas adequações na via.
Looking for alternative means of fast and economic mobility for sporadic events in the city of São Paulo, this research opted to study bicycle-shared systems. The aim of this project was to verify the possibility of growth of these systems and to identify factors that can interfere in the demand of shared bicycles, such as the distribution of stations, topography, culture, safety and climatic factors. Given the background, it was studied the viability of this modality of transport applied to the operational cycle path at Costa Carvalho’s Street, in the neighborhood of Pinheiros. Results of the case study show that the integration of bicycle-shared systems with other modes of transport encourage the adoption of bicycles in short distance routes, and the cycle path has the potential to become popular if due adaptations were deployed.
Looking for alternative means of fast and economic mobility for sporadic events in the city of São Paulo, this research opted to study bicycle-shared systems. The aim of this project was to verify the possibility of growth of these systems and to identify factors that can interfere in the demand of shared bicycles, such as the distribution of stations, topography, culture, safety and climatic factors. Given the background, it was studied the viability of this modality of transport applied to the operational cycle path at Costa Carvalho’s Street, in the neighborhood of Pinheiros. Results of the case study show that the integration of bicycle-shared systems with other modes of transport encourage the adoption of bicycles in short distance routes, and the cycle path has the potential to become popular if due adaptations were deployed.
sistemas de bicicletas compartilhadas , mobilidade urbana , meios de transporte , bicycle-share systems , bike-sharing , urban mobility , means of transport