O impacto adverso das emissões de NOx em caldeiras de recuperação
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Lopes, Luis Fernando Gasparini
Andrade, Kassya Christina Rigolon de
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo de explicar como são formados os óxidos de nitrogênio em uma caldeira de recuperação no processo kraft, a formação da chuva ácida, as suas consequências para o meio ambiente e as tecnologias existentes para reduzir as emissões de NOX. As novas fábricas de celulose utilizam o licor preto cada vez mais concentrado, que nos dias atuais chegam a valores de cerca 80% de sólidos secos, para a queima na caldeira de recuperação, o que contribui para o aumento da sua eficiência energética. Mas por outro lado, a queima deste licor preto nas caldeiras de recuperação, contribuem para o aumento das emissões atmosféricas onde a concentração de NOx emitido na atmosfera aumenta significamente. Com isso, estas emissões afetam os padrões de qualidade do ar atmosférico além de ser um dos principais propulsores na formação da chuva ácida que, com a sua deposição úmida nos solos, rios, lagoas e florestas, o pH torna-se mais ácido nestes ambientes, afetando todos os organismos que interagem nestes ecossistemas. Será feito também uma breve abordagem no transporte de poluentes para outros estados e países, conhecido como poluição atmosférica transfronteiriça a longas distâncias, onde é observada deposição ácida em regiões que ficam muito distantes de centros industriais. Por fim, será discutido sobre as tecnologias existentes no mundo para que estas emissões de NOX em caldeiras de recuperação sejam diminuídas.
The scopes of this work are explain how nitrogen oxides are formed in a kraft recovery boiler, the acid rain formations, the consequences for the environment and existing technologies to reduce emissions of NOX. The new pulp mills have been using the black liquor ever more concentrated, which nowadays reach values of approximately 80% of dry solids for burning in a recovery boiler, increasing their energy efficient. But in the other hand, the burning of black liquor in recovery boilers contribute to increased air emissions where the concentration on NOx emitted into the atmosphere increases significantly. Thus, these emissions affect the patterns of atmospheric air quality in addition to being one of the main drivers in the formation of acid rain, with their wet deposition in soils, rivers, lakes and forests, the pH becomes more acidic in these environments, affecting all organisms that interact in these ecosystems. In addition, will also be made a brief overview in the transport of pollutants to other states and countries, known as transboundary air pollution over long distances, where acid deposition is observed in regions that are far from industrial centers. Finally, it will be discussed about the existing technologies in the world for these NOx emissions are reduced recovery boilers.
The scopes of this work are explain how nitrogen oxides are formed in a kraft recovery boiler, the acid rain formations, the consequences for the environment and existing technologies to reduce emissions of NOX. The new pulp mills have been using the black liquor ever more concentrated, which nowadays reach values of approximately 80% of dry solids for burning in a recovery boiler, increasing their energy efficient. But in the other hand, the burning of black liquor in recovery boilers contribute to increased air emissions where the concentration on NOx emitted into the atmosphere increases significantly. Thus, these emissions affect the patterns of atmospheric air quality in addition to being one of the main drivers in the formation of acid rain, with their wet deposition in soils, rivers, lakes and forests, the pH becomes more acidic in these environments, affecting all organisms that interact in these ecosystems. In addition, will also be made a brief overview in the transport of pollutants to other states and countries, known as transboundary air pollution over long distances, where acid deposition is observed in regions that are far from industrial centers. Finally, it will be discussed about the existing technologies in the world for these NOx emissions are reduced recovery boilers.
Chuva ácida , Óxido de nitrogênio , Tecnologia , Eficiência energética , Meio ambiente