Contenções em subsolos – comparação entre cortina atirantada e parede diafragma
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Ferraro, Christopher Budny Juliano
Cunha, Gustavo Henrique Padua da
Sousa Júnior, José Ernane de
Parreira, Lucas Matos
Portes, Renato Ramiro
Cunha, Gustavo Henrique Padua da
Sousa Júnior, José Ernane de
Parreira, Lucas Matos
Portes, Renato Ramiro
Luz, Paulo Afonso de Cerqueira
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Este artigo contempla um estudo comparativo entre duas soluções técnicas para obras de
contenções, baseada no estudo de solos, materiais e equipamentos, especificações do projeto,
vantagens e desvantagens, composição do custo unitário, custo final e check list das atividades.
Conhecer as principais características dos vários tipos de contenções, que não depende somente do
sistema de contenção em si, mas também das características do subsolo, da posição do lençol
freático, das construções vizinhas e do espaço da sua implantação. Cortina atirantada e parede
diafragma ambas são opções para contenção de encostas naturais, cortes e aterros para rodovias ou
ferrovias, escavações para metrô, túneis ou subsolos, sendo ambas construídas de cima para baixo.
O que as diferencia é o processo construtivo. Sobre os aspectos econômicos, a cortina atirantada é
aproximadamente 57% do valor correspondente à execução de contenção em parede diafragma. O
único impedimento, sob o aspecto técnico, ocorre quando o fundo da escavação estiver situado
abaixo do lençol freático, situação em que somente é indicada a execução de parede diafragma.
This article contemplates a comparative study between two technical solutions for containment works, based on the study of soils, materials and equipment, project specifications, advantages and disadvantages, composition of unit cost, final cost and check list of activities. To know the main characteristics of the various types of containment, which depends not only on the containment system itself, but also on the characteristics of the subsoil, the water table position, the neighboring buildings and the space of its implantation. Rolled curtain and diaphragm wall are both options for containment of natural slopes, cuts and embankments for highways or railways, subway excavations, tunnels or subsoils, both of which are built from top to bottom. What sets them apart is the constructive process. Regarding the economic aspects, the cable-stayed curtain is approximately 57% of the value corresponding to the execution of containment in the diaphragm wall. The only technical impediment occurs when the bottom of the excavation is located below the water table, in which case only the diaphragm wall is indicated.
This article contemplates a comparative study between two technical solutions for containment works, based on the study of soils, materials and equipment, project specifications, advantages and disadvantages, composition of unit cost, final cost and check list of activities. To know the main characteristics of the various types of containment, which depends not only on the containment system itself, but also on the characteristics of the subsoil, the water table position, the neighboring buildings and the space of its implantation. Rolled curtain and diaphragm wall are both options for containment of natural slopes, cuts and embankments for highways or railways, subway excavations, tunnels or subsoils, both of which are built from top to bottom. What sets them apart is the constructive process. Regarding the economic aspects, the cable-stayed curtain is approximately 57% of the value corresponding to the execution of containment in the diaphragm wall. The only technical impediment occurs when the bottom of the excavation is located below the water table, in which case only the diaphragm wall is indicated.
estudo comparativo , cortina atirantada , parede diafragma , comparative study , cable-stayed curtain , diaphragm wall