Cidades inteligentes: análise da instalação de um parque industrial na cidade de Francisco Morato - SP
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Hashimoto, Beatriz
Herrero, Carolina
Lima, Rafael
Herrero, Carolina
Lima, Rafael
Duro, Magda
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Este artigo aborda, por meio da análise das demandas socioeconômicas dos municípios que compõem o Estado de São Paulo, a viabilidade da instalação de um parque industrial, como propulsor da arrecadação municipal de Francisco Morato. Como ferramenta para compreender a percepção dos moratenses em relação à infraestrutura básica atual no município bem como da situação socioeconômica de parte da população foi disponibilizado um questionário online. Por meio do grupo amostral que respondeu ao questionário foi possível realizar algumas análises. Também foram realizadas algumas reuniões com a prefeita Renata Sene e com o gerente municipal Thiago Gabriel de Oliveira, para que se pudesse obter uma compreensão por meio do viés político da proposta relativo à implantação do Parque Industrial. Sendo assim, foi realizado a compilação dos resultados obtidos a partir do questionário e constatou-se que os setores que o grupo amostral sinaliza como mais carentes são os da Educação e da Saúde. Portanto, partindo do princípio de que a implantação deste Parque Industrial trará uma arrecadação ao município, além de proporcionar novas ofertas de emprego, é possível o poder público olhar como poderão ser trabalhadas as ações de melhorias nas áreas citadas acima – de modo que os serviços oferecidos garantam melhorias contínuas na sua qualidade – o projeto mostra-se viável, uma vez que a visão da sociedade está associada ao desenvolvimento do estudo em questão
This article approaches, through the analysis of the socioeconomic demands of the municipalities that make up the State of São Paulo, the feasibility of installing an industrial park, as a driver of FranciscoMorato's municipal tax collection. As a tool to understand the perception of Moratensians in relation to the current basic infrastructure in the city as well as the socioeconomic situation of part of the population, an online questionnaire was made available. Through the sample group that answered the questionnaire, it was possible to carry out some analyses. Some meetings were also held with Mayor Renata Sene and municipal manager Thiago Gabriel de Oliveira, so that an understanding of the proposal regarding the implementation of the Industrial Park could be obtained from the political perspective. Therefore, the results obtained from the questionnaire were compiled and it was found that the sectors that the sample group indicates as the neediest are Education and Health. Therefore, if the implementation of this industrial park will bring a collection for the municipality, in addition to providing new job offers, it is possible for the government to look at how improvement actions in the areas mentioned above can be worked out - so that the services offered guarantee continuous improvements in their quality - the project shows itself viable, since society's vision is associated with the development of the study in question
This article approaches, through the analysis of the socioeconomic demands of the municipalities that make up the State of São Paulo, the feasibility of installing an industrial park, as a driver of FranciscoMorato's municipal tax collection. As a tool to understand the perception of Moratensians in relation to the current basic infrastructure in the city as well as the socioeconomic situation of part of the population, an online questionnaire was made available. Through the sample group that answered the questionnaire, it was possible to carry out some analyses. Some meetings were also held with Mayor Renata Sene and municipal manager Thiago Gabriel de Oliveira, so that an understanding of the proposal regarding the implementation of the Industrial Park could be obtained from the political perspective. Therefore, the results obtained from the questionnaire were compiled and it was found that the sectors that the sample group indicates as the neediest are Education and Health. Therefore, if the implementation of this industrial park will bring a collection for the municipality, in addition to providing new job offers, it is possible for the government to look at how improvement actions in the areas mentioned above can be worked out - so that the services offered guarantee continuous improvements in their quality - the project shows itself viable, since society's vision is associated with the development of the study in question
parque industrial , demandas socioeconômicas , arrecadação municipal , industrial park , socioeconomic demands , municipal collection