Redes IPv6 e estratégia de implementação
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Siqueira, Alessandro Nucci de
Estevão, Gerson
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A Internet teve um crescimento muito acelerado nos últimos anos, fatores como surgimento de novas tecnologias, a popularização dos dispositivos móveis, e a disseminação das redes sócias contribuíram muito para esse aumento e com isso a necessidade por endereçamento IP (Internet Protocol). Esse crescimento não era previsto no projeto original, já que na época a Internet foi desenvolvida para uso militar e acadêmico. Contudo na década de 90, já era previsto o esgotamento do endereçamento IPv4, onde soluções paliativas foram desenvolvidas e aplicadas com intuito de diminuir a necessidade por endereçamento IP público e tendo como principal tarefa não impactar no crescimento da Internet e de novas tecnologias. Mediante a esta situação projetos foram iniciados paralelamente buscando desenvolver o novo protocolo, esses projetos deram resultado e em pouco tempo surgia à nova versão do protocolo IP, mas conhecida como IPv6. Devido a esse crescimento, é ao esgotamento do endereçamento IPv4, a adoção do novo protocolo IPv6 passou a fazer parte da nossa realidade. Além de produzir um bom material de estudo sobre os protocolos abordados, outro objetivo deste trabalho foi ressaltar as técnicas de migração. Assim, por meio de pesquisa e estudo (leitura de livros, tutoriais, sites e RFC), foram apresentados neste trabalho um estudo introdutório sobre o protocolo TCP/IP e o protocolo IPv4 e um estudo detalhado do protocolo IPv6, apresenta suas características técnicas, serviços oferecidos e realiza uma análise comparativa das vantagens e desvantagens da adoção entre os dois protocolos e as estratégias de migração para o IPv6.
Internet has shown a very fast growing rate in the past years, the factor that new Technologies, mobile devices and the dissemination of social networks arrived to the market, contributed quite a lot with the growth and the necessity for the IP address came along. Such development was not expected in the original project, since the internet was developed for military and academic purposes. However, they predicted the IPv4 would be running out of new addresses during the 90’s, when new solutions came up and were applied to try to reduce the need for public IP addresses, so that it wouldn’t impact the internet growth as well as upcoming technologies. Due to this situation, new projects started to be developed in parallel to create a new protocol. These projects were very successful and in a short period of time they generated a new IP protocol, also known as IPv6. With the unstoppable progress and the lack of IPv4, the acceptance of the new protocol turned into reality. The goal of this project was not only to provide a good study about the protocols, but also to point out migration techniques. Thus, through researches and studies (reading books, tutorials, websites and RFC), an introductory presentation over the TCP/IP, IPv4 and also a very detailed IPv6 research to present its technical characteristics, available services and performing an analysis of advantages and disadvantages between the two protocols and the migration strategies to the IPv6.
Internet has shown a very fast growing rate in the past years, the factor that new Technologies, mobile devices and the dissemination of social networks arrived to the market, contributed quite a lot with the growth and the necessity for the IP address came along. Such development was not expected in the original project, since the internet was developed for military and academic purposes. However, they predicted the IPv4 would be running out of new addresses during the 90’s, when new solutions came up and were applied to try to reduce the need for public IP addresses, so that it wouldn’t impact the internet growth as well as upcoming technologies. Due to this situation, new projects started to be developed in parallel to create a new protocol. These projects were very successful and in a short period of time they generated a new IP protocol, also known as IPv6. With the unstoppable progress and the lack of IPv4, the acceptance of the new protocol turned into reality. The goal of this project was not only to provide a good study about the protocols, but also to point out migration techniques. Thus, through researches and studies (reading books, tutorials, websites and RFC), an introductory presentation over the TCP/IP, IPv4 and also a very detailed IPv6 research to present its technical characteristics, available services and performing an analysis of advantages and disadvantages between the two protocols and the migration strategies to the IPv6.
Protocolos de Internet , Evolução , Protocolo IPv6 , Redes de computadores