Aspectos metalúrgicos associados ao processo de brasagem

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Marques, Murilo Carmelo Satolo
Vatavuk, Jan
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Faldini, Sonia Braunstein
Andrade, Arnaldo Homobono Paes de
Engenharia de Materiais
This paper presents a metallurgical and mechanical assessment of a joint resulting from the brazing process, in order to elucidate the theoretical aspects related to materials science involved in this process of union materials. The physical phenomena involved in this theme are wettability, capillarity, surface tension and diffusion. For the study we used as base materials stainless steel AISI 630 and alloy Ferro-Titanit Nikro128, as filler metal AWS BNi2 specification. The brazing process was performed in a vacuum furnace respecting a specific thermal cycle. Samples of the materials involved in the brazing process were characterized by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis and determination of the hardness profile along the junction between the base metal and the binder. The mechanical behavior of the connection zone was evaluated by technological bending test by three points. The results collected in this study suggest that the connection zone comprises in its microstructure, in addition to the compounds belonging to filler metal element, the participation of various phases resulting from the basic material. The final microstructure of the bonding zone is formed from the solidification process and reactions in the solid state. We conclude that intermetallic phases in the connection zone are critical for the use of materials, due to their fragility in relation to other microconstituents.
brasagem , soldagem , ferro-titanit nikro 128 , AISI 630
Assuntos Scopus
MARQUES, Murilo Carmelo Satolo. Aspectos metalúrgicos associados ao processo de brasagem. 2016. 79 f. Dissertação (Engenharia de Materiais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .