Non-functional requirements to voice user interface on interactive television: An initial study

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Data de publicação
MCCSIS'08 - IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2008
Citações (Scopus)
De Oliveira Neto J.S.
Salvador V.F.M.
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Users are getting more and more involved in pervasive and interactive environments. Telecommunication services are improving their functionalities by providing access to information and content anytime and anywhere. Nowadays, television viewers can play a more active role through interactive television (iTV) applications. Such ubiquitous applications require increasing efforts from the development team, mainly because these systems have to be capable of satisfying a wide range of users, to deliver different kinds of information, run on a complex environment, and deal with limited interactive devices. Different types of devices and modalities are available for information input and output to/from the application, as remote control, text, speech, etc. In this paper, we identify a set of non-functional requirements useful for the development of voice user interfaces (VUI) that run over iTV. Our research is based on requirement engineering statements and reinforces the significance of usability issues, as non-functional requirements, to achieve success in iTV applications that take advantage of VUI. © 2008 IADIS.
Assuntos Scopus
Complex environments , Different types , Interactive television , Non-functional requirements , Requirement engineering , Voice user interface , Wide-range