Caracterização de grafeno CVD por imageamento em ângulo de Brewster
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Maximiano, Kauan Eduardo Fiola
Matos, Christiano J. Santiago de
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Desde sua descoberta, cada vez mais o grafeno vem se apresentando como um excelente material
para aplicação nas mais diversas áreas da indústria, incluindo a área de fotônica/optoeletrônica. Suas
propriedades ópticas, como alta transparência, aliadas à sua excelente condutividade elétrica e
flexibilidade tornam o grafeno um material interessante para a utilização em telas touchscreen, por
exemplo. Cada vez mais vêm sendo desenvolvidas técnicas para aperfeiçoamento dos métodos de
síntese e transferência de grafeno. Aliado a isso, é necessário o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de
caracterização, que permitem avaliar a qualidade do grafeno produzido. A técnica de imageamento
do grafeno em ângulo de Brewster é uma poderosa técnica utilizada para imageamento de grandes
áreas de grafeno depositados sobre um substrato de vidro, produzindo um elevado contraste óptico
entre o grafeno e o substrato, facilitando assim a análise dessas imagens obtidas. Nesse trabalho foi
feita a análise de imagens de grafeno sintetizado pelo método CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition)
obtidas através da técnica de imageamento em ângulo de Brewster. Por meio de análise estatística foi
possível relacionar as intensidades dos pixels das imagens obtidas com regiões características do
grafeno, tais como regiões de grafeno monocamada, regiões de dobras e rugas e regiões de rasgos, permitindo assim estimar a porcentagem existente de cada região na imagem.
Since its discovery, more and more graphene has been presenting itself as an excellent material for application in the most diverse areas of the industry, including the area of photonics / optoelectronics. Its optical properties, such as high transparency, combined with its excellent electrical conductivity and flexibility, make graphene an interesting material for use on touchscreens, for example. Many techniques have been developed to improve the methods of graphene synthesis and transference. In addition to this, it is crucial to improve the characterization techniques that allow to evaluate the quality of the produced graphene. The Brewster angle imaging technique is a powerful technique used for imaging large areas of graphene deposited on a transparent substrate, producing a high optical contrast between graphene and the substrate, thus facilitating the analysis of these obtained images. In this work, the analysis of CVD graphene images obtained using Brewster angle imaging was performed. Through statistical analysis it was possible to relate the pixel intensities of the images obtained with characteristic regions of graphene, such as monolayer graphene regions, and regions with folds, wrinkles and fractures, thus allowing to estimate the percentage of each region in the image.
Since its discovery, more and more graphene has been presenting itself as an excellent material for application in the most diverse areas of the industry, including the area of photonics / optoelectronics. Its optical properties, such as high transparency, combined with its excellent electrical conductivity and flexibility, make graphene an interesting material for use on touchscreens, for example. Many techniques have been developed to improve the methods of graphene synthesis and transference. In addition to this, it is crucial to improve the characterization techniques that allow to evaluate the quality of the produced graphene. The Brewster angle imaging technique is a powerful technique used for imaging large areas of graphene deposited on a transparent substrate, producing a high optical contrast between graphene and the substrate, thus facilitating the analysis of these obtained images. In this work, the analysis of CVD graphene images obtained using Brewster angle imaging was performed. Through statistical analysis it was possible to relate the pixel intensities of the images obtained with characteristic regions of graphene, such as monolayer graphene regions, and regions with folds, wrinkles and fractures, thus allowing to estimate the percentage of each region in the image.
grafeno , caracterização , ângulo de Brewster , graphene , caracterization , Brewster angle