Avaliação dos impactos da implantação do PLD horário sob os agentes do setor elétrico brasileiro
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Ohats, Tainá Akemy Fonseca
Pazzini, Luiz Henrique Alves
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Em 30 de julho de 2019 foi aprovada, pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia – MME, a proposta de aprimoramento para a alteração do cálculo do Preço de Liquidação das Diferenças – PLD, para base horária. O novo modelo de apuração passa a vigorar em janeiro de 2021, sendo que o primeiro passo para tal alteração já foi dado pelo Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico – ONS que passou a divulgar diariamente o cálculo do Custo Marginal de Operação – CMO, base de cálculo do PLD, também em base horária. Porém, com tal mudança no setor, surge uma questão importante: qual impacto a adoção desta sistemática de precificação traz aos agentes do mercado de energia? Este trabalho busca contribuir nos debates sobre a adoção da precificação da energia elétrica em base horária, através de análise dos resultados de alguns agentes na liquidação do mercado de curto prazo.
On July 30, 2019 the improvement proposal to change the calculation of Settlement Price for the Differences (PLD) from a weekly basis to an hourly basis was approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy – MME. Such change will be instituted in January 2021, and the first step has already been taken by the National Electric System Operator (ONS), which started on to disclose the Marginal Cost of Operation – CMO on daily basis. This Marginal Cost is used to calculate the PLD. However, a very important question remains unanswered: What’s the impact of this new pricing methodology for the electric market stakeholders? This work seeks to contribute to the adoption of hourly electricity pricing, through the analysis of the results of some stakeholders in the settlement of the short-term market.
On July 30, 2019 the improvement proposal to change the calculation of Settlement Price for the Differences (PLD) from a weekly basis to an hourly basis was approved by the Ministry of Mines and Energy – MME. Such change will be instituted in January 2021, and the first step has already been taken by the National Electric System Operator (ONS), which started on to disclose the Marginal Cost of Operation – CMO on daily basis. This Marginal Cost is used to calculate the PLD. However, a very important question remains unanswered: What’s the impact of this new pricing methodology for the electric market stakeholders? This work seeks to contribute to the adoption of hourly electricity pricing, through the analysis of the results of some stakeholders in the settlement of the short-term market.
PLD , despacho de energia , mercado livre , preço horário , setor elétrico brasileiro , energy dispatch , free market , hourly price , brazilian electric sector