Informática na educação – “software educacional”
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Palato, Henrique
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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Este trabalho mostrará que apesar de a informática na educação, ter funcionado, no passado, apenas para o marketing de escolas o seu real sentido de implementação era, e ainda é a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem através dos softwares educacionais e todas as ferramentas da informática, como internet e outras. Para o futuro, se espera iniciar um processo de capacitação do corpo docente voltada a essa nova era em que vivemos, onde o que importa, realmente, é a mudança de paradigmas de ambas as partes, aluno e professor, entre outros, vez que a responsabilidade maior estará nas mãos do aluno, do aprendiz, e não mais do professor, que passa a ser uma espécie de "desenhista", ou de "arquiteto" das atividades de aprendizagem de seus alunos, obviamente, sem perder seu valor e importância neste novo processo. A realidade, no entanto, não irá perdoar quem ficar parado no tempo. Aqueles alunos que podem escolher onde estudar vão buscar instituições que tenham professores preparados para trabalhar com o novo paradigma e que apliquem as novas tecnologias no processo educacional. Em breve, as instituições terão que oferecer seus conteúdos de forma presencial, pela Internet, material impresso, entre outros, enfim, em diversos meios onde o aluno possa escolher o que melhor lhe aprouver ou aquele que melhor convier ao seu aprendizado. Entretanto, veremos, também, algumas controvérsias, que com a globalização, podem trazer malefícios a muito curto prazo para a população mundial se não forem bem administradas. Mas, a partir do momento em que promovemos, investimos e acreditamos, certamente teremos educadores mais comprometidos com o ato de ensinar e alunos mais ávidos em aprender. Investir nas crianças e jovens de hoje, que são, indiscutivelmente, o futuro do mundo de amanhã, dando-lhes condições de desenvolver o trio indispensável a qualquer ser humano equilibrado, ou seja, a mente, o físico e o espírito, e também as aptidões, que, certamente, contribuirão para o avanço da tecnologia, é o objetivo da melhoria do processo ensino-aprendizagem, e conseqüentemente do presente trabalho.
This work will demonstrate that in spite of the computer science in the education has worked in the past just for the marketing of the schools in its real implementation sense, was, and still is the improvement of the teaching-learning process through educational software’s and all the tools of the computer science, as internet and others. For the future, it is expected to commence a training process for the professors aiming this new time we are living, where what really matters is the change of paradigms of both parts, student and teacher, among others, considering that the bigger responsibility will be in the student's hands, of the apprentice, and no more of the teacher, which turn out to be a sort of "designer" or "architect" of the learning activities of their students, obviously, without losing his/her value and importance in this new process. However, the reality won't forgive who stops in time. Those students that can choose where to study will look for institutions that have prepared teachers to work with the new paradigm and that apply the new technologies in the education process. Soon the institutions will have to offer their contents in the traditional way, through the Internet, printed paper material, among others, finally, in several ways where the student will choose what is best or the one that hi/she learns better. However, we will see also some controversies that with the globalization can bring harms in a very short period to the world population, if they don't go well administered. But, from the moment we promote, we invest and we believe, certainly we will have more committed educators with the action of teaching and more avid students in learning. Investing in the children and young people today, that are, indisputably, the future of the world tomorrow, giving them conditions of developing the indispensable to any balanced human being, that is, the mind, the physical and the spirit, and also the aptitudes, certainly they will contribute to the progress of the technology, it is the objective of the teaching-learning process improvement, and consequently of the present work.
This work will demonstrate that in spite of the computer science in the education has worked in the past just for the marketing of the schools in its real implementation sense, was, and still is the improvement of the teaching-learning process through educational software’s and all the tools of the computer science, as internet and others. For the future, it is expected to commence a training process for the professors aiming this new time we are living, where what really matters is the change of paradigms of both parts, student and teacher, among others, considering that the bigger responsibility will be in the student's hands, of the apprentice, and no more of the teacher, which turn out to be a sort of "designer" or "architect" of the learning activities of their students, obviously, without losing his/her value and importance in this new process. However, the reality won't forgive who stops in time. Those students that can choose where to study will look for institutions that have prepared teachers to work with the new paradigm and that apply the new technologies in the education process. Soon the institutions will have to offer their contents in the traditional way, through the Internet, printed paper material, among others, finally, in several ways where the student will choose what is best or the one that hi/she learns better. However, we will see also some controversies that with the globalization can bring harms in a very short period to the world population, if they don't go well administered. But, from the moment we promote, we invest and we believe, certainly we will have more committed educators with the action of teaching and more avid students in learning. Investing in the children and young people today, that are, indisputably, the future of the world tomorrow, giving them conditions of developing the indispensable to any balanced human being, that is, the mind, the physical and the spirit, and also the aptitudes, certainly they will contribute to the progress of the technology, it is the objective of the teaching-learning process improvement, and consequently of the present work.
Educação , Software educacional , Analise de sistemas