Análise comparativa do modelo de turbina empregado na usina hidrelétrica de Três Marias: turbinas Kaplan e Francis
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Rosenthal, André
Breuer, Daniel
Zachello, Vinicius Malta
Breuer, Daniel
Zachello, Vinicius Malta
Mello Júnior, Antônio Gonçalves de
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A geração de energia elétrica por meio de usinas hidrelétricas é um aspecto importante na história do Brasil. De acordo com o Balanço Energético Nacional (BEN), estudo realizado pela Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) em 2019, este tipo de geração de energia é equivalente a 66,6% da geração nacional. As turbinas são elementos imprescindíveis no funcionamento dessas usinas e, devido à variedade de modelos e aplicações, são considerados vários fatores na escolha do tipo de turbina. Tratando-se da Usina de Três Marias, uma hidrelétrica de significativa importância histórica e nacional, foi escolhida uma turbina tipo Kaplan mesmo tendo em vista outros tipos de turbina que poderiam ser válidos dentro da casa de força da instalação. Assim, este trabalho possui o objetivo de estudar esta escolha, o que foi feito por meio de revisão de literatura sobre turbinas, como também análise de dados hidrológicos da região do reservatório e análise de custo de potência instalada. O artigo conclui que a escolha da turbina Kaplan foi correta, devido à capacidade deste modelo de alterar o ângulo de suas pás de acordo com a vazão de trabalho, como também devido ao custo da potência instalada deste tipo de turbina ser inferior ao da turbina Francis.
The generation of electricity by hydroelectric power plants is an important aspect in the history of Brazil. According to the studies carried out by the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) in 2019, the Balanço Energético Nacional (BEN), this kind of generation of electricity is equivalent to 66.6% of the national grid. Turbines are essential elements in the operation of these power plants and, due to the variety of models and applications, several factors are considered when choosing the type of turbine. Dealing with the Três Marias power plant, a hydroelectric with tremendous national and historical importance, it was chosen a Kaplan turbine even considering other types of turbines that could be possible inside the powerhouse of the facility. Thus, this work aims to study this choice, which was done through a literature review on turbines, as well as analysis of hydrological data from the reservoir region and cost analysis of installed power. This article concludes that the choice for the Kaplan turbine was correct, due to the ability of this model to change the angle of its blades according to the workflow, as well as because of the cost of the installed power of this type of turbine being lower than that of the Francis turbine.
The generation of electricity by hydroelectric power plants is an important aspect in the history of Brazil. According to the studies carried out by the Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE) in 2019, the Balanço Energético Nacional (BEN), this kind of generation of electricity is equivalent to 66.6% of the national grid. Turbines are essential elements in the operation of these power plants and, due to the variety of models and applications, several factors are considered when choosing the type of turbine. Dealing with the Três Marias power plant, a hydroelectric with tremendous national and historical importance, it was chosen a Kaplan turbine even considering other types of turbines that could be possible inside the powerhouse of the facility. Thus, this work aims to study this choice, which was done through a literature review on turbines, as well as analysis of hydrological data from the reservoir region and cost analysis of installed power. This article concludes that the choice for the Kaplan turbine was correct, due to the ability of this model to change the angle of its blades according to the workflow, as well as because of the cost of the installed power of this type of turbine being lower than that of the Francis turbine.
usina de Três Marias , turbina Kaplan , hidrologia , Três Marias powerplant , Kaplan turbine , hydrology