Underlying reasons for the underrepresentation of women on Brazilian corporate boards: Empirical evidence

Data de publicação
Revista de Administracao Mackenzie
Citações (Scopus)
Hanashiro D.M.M.
Samaha M.B.
Goncales N.G.S.V.
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© 2024 Mackenzie Presbyterian University. All rights reserved.Purpose: The paper aims to understand the reasons for women's underrepresentation on Brazilian corporate boards by examining the experiences of independent female board members. Originality/value: The low representation of women on Boards of Directors (BD) is a growing research issue in current literature. Quantitative studies, primarily based on secondary data, generally show that gender diversity, while low, is associated with positive outcomes for organizations. Despite the findings on the role of gender diversity in BD, there is a lack of discussion about the causes of female underrepresentation on Brazilian Boards. The focus of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of the reasons for the low representativeness. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative research was conducted through face-to-face, in-depth interviews with eight independent female board members of Brazilian organizations selected by accessibility criteria from different sectors. The interviewees reported their experience in their executive careers, particularly as board members. The data were interpreted according to thematic analysis. Findings: The research identified an interconnected dynamic of psychological, personal, organizational, and cultural barriers that limit women's representation in BD. This finding expands the current literature by empirically describing and explaining the reasons for low gender diversity in BD and the causes of the underrepresentation of independent female members in BD.
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