Political participation in Latin American constitutionalism: A comparison with the Brazilian model Participação política no constitucionalismo latino-americano: uma comparação com o modelo brasileiro
Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Politicas Publicas
Citações (Scopus)
Grostein J.
Magalhaes Y.N.
Magalhaes Y.N.
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Membros da banca
© 2021 Centro Universitario de Brasilia. All rights reserved.This study aims to investigate direct political participation in Latin American constitutionalism from the analysis of existing mechanisms in Brazil, comparing them with the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Constitution of Ecuador. The first section investigates the crisis in the model of liberal democracies, as well as the creation of a Latin American constitutionalism, with its own characteristics and social situations in common, justifying the application the idea of ius constitutionale commune. In the next section, we seek to analyze the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the interpretation of art. 23 of the Human Rights Convention, as well as mechanisms for direct political participation in the Constitution of Ecuador. In the third section, the model of political participation adopted by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 is examined with those described in the previous section, with the purpose of comparing it with the elements analyzed. The methodology is centered, on an interdisciplinary approach between constitutional law and political science, on bibliographical-documentary, qualitative research and on the study of comparative law. It is expected, with this research, to contribute with suggestions for the improvement of the mechanisms of direct political participation from those already existing in Latin American constitutionalism, so that there is the incorporation of normative provisions in Brazil to enable the expansion of political participation directly by citizens.