What are the current parameters for donations made in advance of the lawful succession? Quais os parâmetros vigentes para a realização das colações das doações realizadas em adiantamento da legítima?

Data de publicação
Revista de Direito Civil Contemporaneo
Citações (Scopus)
Hironaka G.M.F.N.
Aguirre J.R.B.
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Membros da banca
© 2018, Thomson Reuters Brasil Conteudo e Tecnologia. All rights reserved.With the advent of the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015, the study of the topic related to the collation gains special importance due to the adoption, by the procedural norm, of substance theory, as opposed to the theory of estimation, adopted by the Civil Code of 2002, in an already historical dissension between the procedural and the material norm, embodied by a classic debate about the criterion to be used to calculate the value of the good brought to the collation. Four are the legal diplomas that, over time, oppose the search for the best criterion to meet this desiderato, in the succession law: the Civil Code of 1916, the Code of Civil Procedure of 1973, the Civil Code of 2002 and the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015. On the one hand, the norms of substantive law, establishing that only the value of goods at the time of liberality should be brought to the collation, and, on the other, the procedural rules, providing that the good itself must be brought to the collation. The present article intends to contribute to the study of this emblematic question, analyzing critically the fundamentals of the two currents on the subject and presenting an answer consistent with the Brazilian constitutional and infraconstitutional order.
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