Aplicativo móvel para a indústria do varejo
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Lopes, Patrick Estevam
Lopes, Paulo Batista
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A transformação digital já é realidade no mercado do varejo e a busca por ferramentas para ofertar serviços e produtos de qualidade aos clientes tem se intensificado fortemente. A aplicação de tecnologias como inteligência artificial e aprendizado de máquina, unidas aos atuais meios disponíveis aos clientes apoiam a proposta de valor oferecida e agrega maior visibilidade no processo de venda. Porém, é importante que haja uma mudança no conceito de compra para que seja possível unir dois cenários: a diminuição do tempo gasto no processo e a melhora na experiência do cliente. Baseado nestes pontos, este trabalho busca desenvolver um aplicativo voltado a vertical do varejo, focada na venda de bens de consumo diários, destacando aqui principalmente os supermercados e hipermercados. O aplicativo em questão será desenvolvido sob o conceito de suporte multiplataforma, focando nos principais sistemas operacionais do mercado de dispositivos móveis: Android e IOS. Para que seja possível modificar o processo de compra tradicional, este trabalho tem por objetivo possibilitar, através do rápido escaneamento do código de barras dos produtos dispostos nas prateleiras dos estabelecimentos, a captação das informações de cada produto, propiciando ao usuário criar sua lista dinâmica de compras e ao final realizar o pagamento da compra total pelo próprio aplicativo via a integração com um API de pagamento.
Digital transformation is already a reality in the retail market and the search for tools to offer quality services and products to customers has intensified strongly. The application of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, plus the current means available to customers, support the value proposition offered and add greater visibility to the sales process. However, it is important to have a change in the purchase concept so that it is possible to join two scenarios: the time spent reduction and the customer experience improvement. Based on these points, this work seeks to develop an application aimed at the retail vertical, focused on the daily consumer goods sales, supermarkets and hypermarkets standing out. The application in question will be developed under the concept of cross-platform support, focusing on the main operating systems in the mobile device market, namely: Android and IOS. In order to modify the traditional purchase process, this work aims to enable, through the rapid scanning of the products barcode displayed on the establishments shelves, the information capture of each product, allowing the user to create a dynamic shopping list and at the end, pay the total purchase by the application via the integration with a payment API
Digital transformation is already a reality in the retail market and the search for tools to offer quality services and products to customers has intensified strongly. The application of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, plus the current means available to customers, support the value proposition offered and add greater visibility to the sales process. However, it is important to have a change in the purchase concept so that it is possible to join two scenarios: the time spent reduction and the customer experience improvement. Based on these points, this work seeks to develop an application aimed at the retail vertical, focused on the daily consumer goods sales, supermarkets and hypermarkets standing out. The application in question will be developed under the concept of cross-platform support, focusing on the main operating systems in the mobile device market, namely: Android and IOS. In order to modify the traditional purchase process, this work aims to enable, through the rapid scanning of the products barcode displayed on the establishments shelves, the information capture of each product, allowing the user to create a dynamic shopping list and at the end, pay the total purchase by the application via the integration with a payment API
aplicativo , API , pagamento , applications , payment