Labial salivary glands transplantation in the treatment of dry eye in dogs by autograft Transplante de glândulas salivares labiais no tratamento de olho seco em cães pela autoenxertia
Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia
Citações (Scopus)
Castanho L.S.
Moreira H.
Ribas C.A.P.M.
Wouk A.F.P.F.
Sampaio M.
Giordano T.
Moreira H.
Ribas C.A.P.M.
Wouk A.F.P.F.
Sampaio M.
Giordano T.
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Membros da banca
Objective:To evaluate the clinical effects of lips salivary gland secretion as ocular lubricant for dry eye relief in mild cases, severe and refractory to medical treatment, through the transposition technique of salivary glands autograft to the conjunctival fornix. Methods: Seventeen dogs exhibiting autoimmune dry eye with no satisfactory response to clinical treatment were selected. Lacrimal Schirmer Test and Tear Film break-up time (BUT) preoperative tests were performed to estimate the quantity and the quality of produced tear. Animals were submitted to complete ophthalmic exams routine preoperative, each 15 days for two months and then each 30 days for more two months after surgery, totalizing six returns. Photos were taken before and after surgical procedure for photo archive. Photoshop software was utilized for corneal neovascular evaluation. Results: Mucopurulent secretion, conjunctival hyperemia and blepharospasm diminished in all cases, as well as occurred stabilization of pre existent damages with important reduction of corneal neovascularization. The transposition resulted on break-up time tests improvement but no significant changes on Schirmer tests. Conclusion: This technique is simple, quick and effective, accessible to any veterinary ophthalmologist surgeon and is of great value for moderate and severe cases of dry keratoconjunctivitis not responsive to medications.