A melhoria da gestão de estoques de uma loja de pequeno porte
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Guedes, Natália Gaspar
Tavares, Nathália Telles
Teresinho, Renata Guedes
Tavares, Nathália Telles
Teresinho, Renata Guedes
Maestrelli, Nelson
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a gestão de estoque de uma loja de pequeno porte que atua no ramo de expositores para lojas e que, devido ao seu amplo portfólio de produtos, possui um estoque bastante diversificado e com grande quantidade de itens com baixo giro ou sem movimentação. Os itens presentes no estoque foram classificados com a utilização das ferramentas Curva ABC e previsão de demanda durante um determinado período, conforme sua representatividade no valor total do estoque, a fim de focar o estudo nos itens de maior relevância. O estudo realizado obteve dados que ajudaram a validar a opção de melhoria mais viável, apesar da dificuldade constatada em se implementar métodos de previsão de demanda. Conclui-se por meio da pesquisa que a metodologia enxuta gera grande potencial de eliminação de desperdícios no espaço físico e nos processos da loja estudada.
This work aims to study the inventory management of a small store that operates in the branch of exhibitors for stores and that, due to its wide product portfolio, has a very diversified inventory and with large quantity of items with low turn over or without movement. The items present in the inventory were classified using the ABC Curve tools and demand forecast during a given period, according to their representativeness in the total value of the inventory, in order to focus the study on items of greater relevance. The study obtained data that helped validate the most feasible improvement option, despite the difficulty in implementing demand forecasting methods. It is concluded through the research that the lean methodology generates grat potential of elimination of wastes in the physical space and in the processes of the store studied.
This work aims to study the inventory management of a small store that operates in the branch of exhibitors for stores and that, due to its wide product portfolio, has a very diversified inventory and with large quantity of items with low turn over or without movement. The items present in the inventory were classified using the ABC Curve tools and demand forecast during a given period, according to their representativeness in the total value of the inventory, in order to focus the study on items of greater relevance. The study obtained data that helped validate the most feasible improvement option, despite the difficulty in implementing demand forecasting methods. It is concluded through the research that the lean methodology generates grat potential of elimination of wastes in the physical space and in the processes of the store studied.
gestão de estoque , curva ABC , previsão de demanda , inventory management , ABC curve , demand forecast