Uso dos aplicativos de química para melhoria do processo de ensino aprendizagem
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Lourenço, Débora Fêu
Trevisan, Jéssica Thais
Trevisan, Jéssica Thais
Rossi, Maura Vicenza
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O uso da Tecnologia em sala de aula é um dos assuntos mais comentados na atualidade. Nos estágios realizados no curso de Licenciatura Plena em Química, notou-se inúmeras dificuldades dos docentes na utilização de tecnologias que interagissem com os alunos, pois foi possível perceber que os próprios docentes desconheciam completamente o uso dessas tecnologias. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo elaborar um manual para o docente com uma seleção de aplicativos de química gratuitos que possam auxiliar no processo de ensino e aprendizagem da matéria de química em sala de aula. A metodologia utilizada caracterizou-se em uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem quantitativa no intuito de recolher dados referente a utilização de tal tecnologia em sala de aula, afim de obter informações sobre a relevância de tais ferramentas tecnológicas. Foram escolhidos quatro aplicativos: Laboratório de Reações, Átomos, Elementos e Moléculas, Substâncias Químicas, Química Orgânica e Inorgânica e Elementos Químicos e Tabela Periódica. A aplicação prática em sala de aula, se deu por meio do professor que utilizou somente dois aplicativos, o Laboratório de Reações e os Elementos Químicos e Tabela Periódica. Após a utilização pelos alunos e da posterior aplicação de um questionário para obter o Feedback dos alunos, foi possível observar a integração do aluno com os aplicativos a partir do incentivo do professor e da prévia explicação feita por ele, indicando a importância do mediador conhecer tais ferramentas para melhorar o processo de ensino aprendizagem de Química.
The use of technology in the classroom is one of the most talked about subjects today. In the stages of the Full Chemistry undergraduate course, it was noted that there were many difficulties faced by teachers in the use of technologies that interacted with students, because it was possible to perceive that the teachers themselves were completely unaware of the use of these technologies. The present work aims to develop a manual for the teacher with a selection of free chemistry applications that can assist in the teaching and learning process of the chemistry in the classroom. The methodology used was characterized in an exploratory research with quantitative approach in order to collect data regarding the use of such technology in the classroom, in order to obtain information on the relevance of such technological tools. Four applications were chosen: Laboratory of Reactions, Atoms, Elements and Molecules, Chemical Substances, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Elements and Periodic Table. The practical application in the classroom was given by the teacher who used only two applications, the Laboratory of Reactions and the Chemical Elements and Periodic Table. After the students' use and the subsequent application of a questionnaire to obtain the Feedback of the students, it was possible to observe the integration of the student with the applications from the teacher's encouragement and the previous explanation made by him, indicating the importance of the mediator to know such tools to improve the teaching learning process of Chemistry.
The use of technology in the classroom is one of the most talked about subjects today. In the stages of the Full Chemistry undergraduate course, it was noted that there were many difficulties faced by teachers in the use of technologies that interacted with students, because it was possible to perceive that the teachers themselves were completely unaware of the use of these technologies. The present work aims to develop a manual for the teacher with a selection of free chemistry applications that can assist in the teaching and learning process of the chemistry in the classroom. The methodology used was characterized in an exploratory research with quantitative approach in order to collect data regarding the use of such technology in the classroom, in order to obtain information on the relevance of such technological tools. Four applications were chosen: Laboratory of Reactions, Atoms, Elements and Molecules, Chemical Substances, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Elements and Periodic Table. The practical application in the classroom was given by the teacher who used only two applications, the Laboratory of Reactions and the Chemical Elements and Periodic Table. After the students' use and the subsequent application of a questionnaire to obtain the Feedback of the students, it was possible to observe the integration of the student with the applications from the teacher's encouragement and the previous explanation made by him, indicating the importance of the mediator to know such tools to improve the teaching learning process of Chemistry.
aplicativos de química , tecnologia e aprendizagem , instruções para uso de ferramentas tecnológicas , chemistry applications , technology and learning , instructions for use of technological tools