Aplicação do método multicritério COPRAS-Fuzzy como auxílio à decisão da empresa Recomplast: um problema de localização de uma nova fábrica
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Costa, Ian Hermeto
Gruppo, Julia Andrighetti
Muniz, Matheus Watanabe
Rizzi, Thabata Silva
Gruppo, Julia Andrighetti
Muniz, Matheus Watanabe
Rizzi, Thabata Silva
Carvalhal, Marcelo de Almeida
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Desde a criação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (lei 12.305/10), houve um aumento de 43% do número de empresas de reciclagem no Brasil. O maior número de empresas no setor significa maior procura por local e ambiente adequados, que são críticos para o desenvolvimento da empresa. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo ranquear as possíveis alternativas de localização para uma nova fábrica da empresa de reciclagem Recomplast mediante um estudo de caso, por meio da aplicação de um método multicritério que utiliza como base a influência dos decisores. Para atingir o objetivo proposto optou-se pela a aplicação do COPRAS-Fuzzy, por melhor introduzir o viés do decisor, minimizar a diferença entre as curvas de decisão de múltiplos decisores e por ranquear as alternativas. Ao obter o ranqueamento constatou-se que Santa Rita do Sapucaí teve destaque como principal escolha para localização da nova unidade da empresa Recomplast, por possuir um bom Incentivo Fiscal e uma melhor Segurança, critérios proeminentes na escolha dos donos da empresa.
Since the creation of the National Solid Waste Policy (Law 12.305 / 10), there has been a 43% increase in the number of recycling companies in Brazil. More companies in the industry mean greater demand for the right place and environment, which is critical to business development. This paper aims to rank possible location alternatives for a new factory of the recycling company Recomplast through a case study, by applying a multicriteria method that uses the influence of decision makers. In order to achieve the proposed objective, it was decided to apply COPRAS-Fuzzy, to better introduce the decision maker's bias, minimize the difference between the decision curves of multiple decision makers and to rank the alternatives. Upon obtaining the ranking, it was found that Santa Rita do Sapucaí was highlighted as the main choice for the location of the new unit of the company Recomplast, for having a good tax incentive and better security, prominent criteria in the choice of company owners.
Since the creation of the National Solid Waste Policy (Law 12.305 / 10), there has been a 43% increase in the number of recycling companies in Brazil. More companies in the industry mean greater demand for the right place and environment, which is critical to business development. This paper aims to rank possible location alternatives for a new factory of the recycling company Recomplast through a case study, by applying a multicriteria method that uses the influence of decision makers. In order to achieve the proposed objective, it was decided to apply COPRAS-Fuzzy, to better introduce the decision maker's bias, minimize the difference between the decision curves of multiple decision makers and to rank the alternatives. Upon obtaining the ranking, it was found that Santa Rita do Sapucaí was highlighted as the main choice for the location of the new unit of the company Recomplast, for having a good tax incentive and better security, prominent criteria in the choice of company owners.
localização de fábrica , métodos multicritério de apoio à tomada de decisão (MCDM) , COPRAS-Fuzzy , factory location , multicriteria decision making methods (MCDM)