Segurança do trabalho nas construções de rodovias
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Ueki, Cindy Yuri
Guerra Junior, Paulo
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A construção rodoviária apresenta características peculiares diferentes da construção predial, como grandes extensões; convivência com o fluxo de veículos e população local, no caso de duplicações e manutenções; presença de elementos químicos como a massa asfáltica, fumos de solda, poeira de cimento e sílica; contato com seres vivos no desmatamento durante a abertura da estrada, como animais peçonhentos, abelhas e escorpiões; grande diversidade de processos construtivos; uso de máquinas e equipamentos pesados; dentre outros. Porém, não há uma norma regulamentadora específica ou itens específicos na Normas Regulamentadoras sobre condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Indústria da Construção (NR-18) para o setor, assim, as empresas têm como opção seguir sugestões de manuais existentes e de empresas bem sucedidas na preservação da saúde e segurança de seus trabalhadores. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar alguns perigos provenientes dos trabalhos de construção e manutenção de vias rodoviárias e analisar a suficiência das normas nacionais existentes sobre o assunto.
The road construction has peculiar characteristics in the building, as large extension, working with the trafic of vehicles and the local population in case of duplication and maintenance, presence of chemicals such as asphalt, welding fumes, cement dust and silica, contact with living beings in deforestation over the opening of the road, as venomous animals, bees and scorpions; wide variety of construction processes, use of machinery and heavy equipment, among others. However, there is no specific regulatory standard or specific items on Regulatory Norms on terms and Environment Working in the Construction Industry (NR - 18) for the industry, the companies have the option of following suggestions from existent manuals and from successful companies in preserving the health and safety of their workers. The aim of this paper is to present some hazards from the construction and maintenance of roads and review the sufficiency of existing national rules on the subject.
The road construction has peculiar characteristics in the building, as large extension, working with the trafic of vehicles and the local population in case of duplication and maintenance, presence of chemicals such as asphalt, welding fumes, cement dust and silica, contact with living beings in deforestation over the opening of the road, as venomous animals, bees and scorpions; wide variety of construction processes, use of machinery and heavy equipment, among others. However, there is no specific regulatory standard or specific items on Regulatory Norms on terms and Environment Working in the Construction Industry (NR - 18) for the industry, the companies have the option of following suggestions from existent manuals and from successful companies in preserving the health and safety of their workers. The aim of this paper is to present some hazards from the construction and maintenance of roads and review the sufficiency of existing national rules on the subject.
Segurança do trabalho , Rodovia , Norma técnica , Construção rodoviária