Química e educação patrimonial: uma abordagem interdisciplinar
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Santos, Bruna de Pinho
Rossi, Maura Vincenza
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O conhecimento químico é utilizado na preservação do patrimônio cultural material, por meio das atividades de conservação e restauro, onde a constituição, propriedades e transformação dos materiais constituintes dos bens são indispensáveis. A compreensão do que é patrimônio e a sensibilização para sua preservação são questões ligadas a formação integral do indivíduo, e são fomentadas pela educação patrimonial, que se configura como um processo educacional interdisciplinar. No presente trabalho foi apresentado o que é a educação patrimonial, os conhecimentos químicos utilizados na preservação dos bens materiais e um relato de experiencia de uma palestra aplicada numa turma do terceiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública, onde o tema central foi o patrimônio cultural. O uso do patrimônio cultural no ensino médio possui grandes potencialidades, e faz com que o ensino da química seja voltado para formação do cidadão, não prezando apenas pela informação química, mas a colocando num contexto social.
Chemical knowledge is used in the preservation of the material cultural heritage, through conservation and restoration activities, where the constitution, properties and transformation of the materials constituting the goods are indispensable. The understanding of what heritage is and awareness for its preservation are issues linked to the integral formation of the individual, and are fostered by patrimonial education, which is configured as an interdisciplinary educational process. In the present work, it was presented what is heritage education, the chemical knowledge used in the preservation of material goods and an experience report of a lecture applied in a public school, where the central theme was the cultural patrimony. The use of cultural heritage in high school has great potential, and makes the teaching of chemistry to be geared towards the formation of citizens, not only by chemical information, but placing it in a social context.
Chemical knowledge is used in the preservation of the material cultural heritage, through conservation and restoration activities, where the constitution, properties and transformation of the materials constituting the goods are indispensable. The understanding of what heritage is and awareness for its preservation are issues linked to the integral formation of the individual, and are fostered by patrimonial education, which is configured as an interdisciplinary educational process. In the present work, it was presented what is heritage education, the chemical knowledge used in the preservation of material goods and an experience report of a lecture applied in a public school, where the central theme was the cultural patrimony. The use of cultural heritage in high school has great potential, and makes the teaching of chemistry to be geared towards the formation of citizens, not only by chemical information, but placing it in a social context.
educação patrimonial , patrimônio cultural , conservação e restauro , interdisciplinaridade na educação , heritage education , cultural heritage , conservation and restoration , interdisciplinarity in education