Gestão de portfólio de produtos: um estudo aplicado em instituições financeiras.
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Sassoon, Natália
Kawamoto, Mariana Marques
Ramos, Martinelle Sônia Caires
Kawamoto, Mariana Marques
Ramos, Martinelle Sônia Caires
Rotondaro Pereira, Veridiana
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho tem como tema a gestão de portfólio de produtos em instituições financeiras e teve como objetivo apresentar e analisar os critérios de priorização adotados na gestão de portfólio de produtos em instituições financeiras, a fim de propor um conjunto de critérios que seja mais adequado para o contexto das organizações em análise. O estudo foi aplicado em duas instituições financeiras que enfrentam ambientes extremamente competitivos e em constante transformação, no momento de executar a gestão de seu portfólio de produtos. As análises identificaram que alguns critérios abordados na literatura como fundamentais para a gestão de portfólio de produtos, não estavam presentes nas organizações estudadas, como o critério de aumento de escala. Além disso, critérios que eram utilizados para gerir o portfólio muitas vezes não estavam alinhados à estratégia organizacional das instituições, por exemplo, retorno sobre investimento e análise da urgência da demanda. Por fim, foi proposto um conjunto de critérios que contempla viabilidade tecnológica, análise de riscos, custo estimado total, vantagem competitiva do produto, obrigação legal, percepção do desejo do cliente e retorno sobre investimento (ROI) para ser aplicado nas instituições financeiras em análise
The theme of the present work is product portfolio management in financial institutions. The main objective of this survey is to present and analyze the prioritization criteria adopted in the product portfolio management of two financial institutions, in order to propose a set of criteria that is more appropriate for the context of the organizations under analysis. The chosen theme emerged from the analysis of the challenges faced by companies, in extremely competitive environments and in constant transformation, when executing the management of their product portfolio. The methodology used was the study applied in two different financial institutions. After applying a questionnaire prepared by the authors, it was found that several criteria that are considered fundamental in the literature, during product portfolio management, were not present in the organizations studied, as occurred with the scale increase criteria. Furthermore, criteria that were used to manage the portfolio were often not aligned with the institution’s organizational strategy, as return on investment and analysis of the urgency of demand. Through the comparison between the criteria addressed in the literature and those questioned in the two companies in the financial market, a model was proposed to be used in product portfolio management that covers fundamental criteria as technological viability, risk analysis, total estimated cost, the competitive advantage of the product, the legal obligation, the perception of the customer's desire and the return over investment (ROI) to be applied in the financial institutions under analysis.
The theme of the present work is product portfolio management in financial institutions. The main objective of this survey is to present and analyze the prioritization criteria adopted in the product portfolio management of two financial institutions, in order to propose a set of criteria that is more appropriate for the context of the organizations under analysis. The chosen theme emerged from the analysis of the challenges faced by companies, in extremely competitive environments and in constant transformation, when executing the management of their product portfolio. The methodology used was the study applied in two different financial institutions. After applying a questionnaire prepared by the authors, it was found that several criteria that are considered fundamental in the literature, during product portfolio management, were not present in the organizations studied, as occurred with the scale increase criteria. Furthermore, criteria that were used to manage the portfolio were often not aligned with the institution’s organizational strategy, as return on investment and analysis of the urgency of demand. Through the comparison between the criteria addressed in the literature and those questioned in the two companies in the financial market, a model was proposed to be used in product portfolio management that covers fundamental criteria as technological viability, risk analysis, total estimated cost, the competitive advantage of the product, the legal obligation, the perception of the customer's desire and the return over investment (ROI) to be applied in the financial institutions under analysis.
gestão de portfólio de produtos , instituição financeira , critérios de priorização , product portfolio management , financial institution , prioritization criteria