Perspectivas para a energia nuclear no Brasil
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Murayama, Caio Cesar Salgado
Schmid, Fernando Pagnin
Schmid, Fernando Pagnin
Velázquez, Sílvia Maria Stortini González
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Os decretos instituídos pelo Ministério de Minas e Energia, dentro do Plano Nacional Energético de 2050, visam estratégias para o Sistema Elétrico Brasileiro quanto o aumento na demanda por energia elétrica, onde reforça-se a necessidade de maiores investimentos na dinamização da matriz elétrica brasileira, respeitando a questão ambiental pelo uso de fontes de energia com zero emissão de carbono. Este trabalho tem o propósito de abordar algumas considerações importantes quanto ao uso do fornecimento de energia nuclear para o Brasil, relatando a situação desta fonte de energia, assim como estudando o caso de Chernobyl como forma de compreender erros e analisando possíveis formas de melhorar a segurança e a eficiência dessa fonte elétrica. As perspectivas para a energia nuclear no Brasil foram analisadas quanto a aspectos de demanda, custos, socioambientais, tecnológicos e estratégicos.
The decrees instituted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, within the 2050 National Energy Plan, aimed at strategies for the Brazilian Electric System regarding the increase in the demand for electricity, which reinforces the need for greater investments in the dynamization of the Brazilian electricity matrix, respecting the environmental issue using energy sources with zero carbon emissions. This paper aims to address important considerations regarding the use of nuclear energy supply for Brazil, reporting the situation of this energy source, as well as studying the case of Chernobyl to understand errors and analyzing ways to improve the safety and efficiency of this electrical source. The perspective of Nuclear Energy in Brazil stands for its demand, costs, environmental, technological, and strategic aspects.
The decrees instituted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, within the 2050 National Energy Plan, aimed at strategies for the Brazilian Electric System regarding the increase in the demand for electricity, which reinforces the need for greater investments in the dynamization of the Brazilian electricity matrix, respecting the environmental issue using energy sources with zero carbon emissions. This paper aims to address important considerations regarding the use of nuclear energy supply for Brazil, reporting the situation of this energy source, as well as studying the case of Chernobyl to understand errors and analyzing ways to improve the safety and efficiency of this electrical source. The perspective of Nuclear Energy in Brazil stands for its demand, costs, environmental, technological, and strategic aspects.
energia nuclear , chernobyl , plano nacional de energia 2050 , nuclear energy , chernobyl , 2050 national energy plan