Positive Error Orientation as a Promoter of the Learning Process in Organizations

Data de publicação
BAR - Brazilian Administration Review
Citações (Scopus)
Rodrigues H.G.
Bido D.S.
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© 2023, ANPAD - Associacao Nacional de Pos-Graduacao e Pesquisa em Administracao. All rights reserved.Objective: through the recognition of how important a procedural approach is to the study of individual learning from errors, in this article, we propose and test a model of orientation to individual learning from one’s own error. Methods: by means of a survey questionnaire involving 298 Brazilian workers, we analyzed the data using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results: we contribute to academic knowledge, first, by modeling and empirically identifying the relationships of positive influence between positive error orientation and error detection, and between error correction and individual learning from error; and second, by the identification of the significant practical importance of positive error orientation for error detection. Con-clusions: we point out implications for investigations concerned with measuring more accurately the individual positive error orientation phenomenon, as well as those that seek to deepen the understanding of the influence of the organizational context on the direction of individual error orientation. As implications for managerial practice, we highlight positive error orientation as a promoter of learning in individuals, which means that managers should include, in the training programs, learning activities about situations of error in the workplace.
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